
Blog in English

Here are some thoughts to share from the daily life of a translator...


A Mystery of Japanese Names on Birth Certificates

Believe it or not, a birth certificate (family register, Koseki Tohon 戸籍謄本) in Japan does not tell you exactly what the person on the certificate is called. This is due to the fact that most Japanese names are written in Chinese characters

The Art of Translation - No to Translate!

A big question in #translations - who are “you”? Who do we mean when we use the word “you” in Japanese? The right answer in the world of commercial Japanese translations would be “the person the author wishes to speak to”, namely the targe

Word of the Month

“Stay-at-Home Economy” now shifting to “Revenge Consumption” !? 時代は「巣ごもり需要」から「リベンジ消費」へ !? As the number of new infections is on a steady decline in Japan, consumers are flocking at shopping malls there, so I heard. The stay-at-home (巣ごもり =

Need a good advocate for the Nobel Prize?

Congrats to Abdulrazak Gurnah, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021! And condolences to millions of Harukists who believed that the prize this year would go to their favourite Japanese author, Haruki Murakami. It is a well-known f