
Blog in English

Here are some thoughts to share from the daily life of a translator...


Parallel Worlds One Week Apart?

Never mind on which continent or island you are, the end of the old and the start of a new year is reason for joyful celebration. There is a certain similarity as to how the coming season is celebrated in both Germany and Japan. Here is m

The Christmas market is back in town

🕯 The Christmas market is back in town – although much reduced in scale. The atmosphere is cheerful and merry. All the more so after last year's break. All of a sudden, many things I took for granted were gone. But you remain in my netw

Quick Gender Transition through Googling

♂ What an unjustified complaint! The client wrongly accused me of translating Ms XX as Mr XX. My translation was Smith-sama (様). On top of that, the client expressed her concern that the address in the translation differed from that in the

Word of the Month

“Stay-at-Home Economy” now shifting to “Revenge Consumption” !? 時代は「巣ごもり需要」から「リベンジ消費」へ !? As the number of new infections is on a steady decline in Japan, consumers are flocking at shopping malls there, so I heard. The stay-at-home (巣ごもり =