
軽く 無理なく 素早く 衣食住をつなぐデザイン

軽く 無理なく 素早く 衣食住をつなぐデザイン
 若い人に勧める前に、自分で考えることにするとおもうが、地域を歩くと多くの人は、すでにしている。自分で畑を耕し、共同ゴミポストをつくり、古い商店主ににもかわいがられている。農業にロボットとデータサイエンスを組み込む若手の農家を読んだり。伸び盛りの東南アジアの若手の経営者の地域で交流主ている、軽く 無理なく 素早く 衣食住をつなぐデザインをしている。


 若手が行うワ-クショップの受付や 会場設営、会場手配、チラシはり、を始め、報告作成、スケジュール管理など黒子の仕事をし彼らが


① 深沢地区を若者が可能性が広がる地区に


② 鎌倉市内の統計、地区別の統計を見つめて、税と事業の金の流れ、行政や事業所、市民の立ち位置を確認して同じ地図と立ち位置を確認す  る。衣食住関連をとくに見ていく海外の地域経済の研究事例も紹介していく。衣は課題、長持ちするオーダメイドを考える。

 → その前に店を地域を めぐる。男性が経営している衣服店を探す→統計も提供する→役に立つ制度を提供する
 → 研究者にアプローチをして統計を提供する、

 → 会計ツ-ル、総務ツールを提供する
③ 四半期ごとの地域での事業報告会


→ 地域経済に衣食住関連の大企業の事業説明会資料のレポートをまとめ自分のSNSをプラットフォームにする


④ 鎌倉共同カレンダ 

 → まず、自分でカレンダーを創る つくったお金のカレンダーを公開する。

⑤ 鎌倉共同MAP

⑤ 鎌倉版AMAZON 共同市場を創る

⓺ 市役所に投資させる、価格保障、人件費

 → 市のHPや良い仕事、情報をシエアする。


#地味 #デザイン

"Design that connects clothing, food, and housing effortlessly, without strain, and swiftly

Before recommending it to young people, I think it's important to consider it oneself, but walking around the region, many people are already doing it. They cultivate their own fields, create communal garbage posts, and are loved by old shopkeepers. I read about young farmers who incorporate robotics and data science into agriculture. I am engaging with young entrepreneurs in the growing regions of Southeast Asia, creating designs that effortlessly, without strain, and swiftly connect clothing, food, and housing.


Reflecting on my own failures. Ignoring what I want to know and imposing my ideas and stories won't get me anywhere; practical knowledge of administrative operations and tax systems will. Information like the increase in allowable entertainment expenses from April will probably support the local economy and food.

The backstage work that young people do, such as receiving guests at workshops, setting up and arranging venues, sticking flyers, writing reports, and managing schedules, also increases their time and means to move. This is also a fine design. I think I might be too focused on being recognized for new designs, instead of humbly acknowledging what is there.

Following are some modest ideas I've had, to add to what's already possible:

Transforming Fukazawa district into an area full of possibilities for youth.
→ Plan a fun planetarium event in the Fukazawa district. Before that, help out modestly with event information.

Analyze the statistics of Kamakura city, by district, and observe the flow of money in taxes and business, and confirm the positions of administrations, businesses, and citizens. Focus particularly on clothing, food, and housing, and introduce international case studies of regional economies. Clothing is a challenge; consider long-lasting, custom-made options.
→ First, visit local stores. Look for men-run clothing stores → provide statistics → offer useful systems
→ Approach researchers and provide statistics.

Within this, participants can get hints for their own businesses. By understanding the connections and gaps between different businesses, they can consider segmentation, joint ventures, and mutual support. Within this, explore appropriate contract pricing for sustainable local businesses.
→ Provide accounting and general management tools.

Quarterly local business report meetings.
Report seasonal business activities, exchange data, understand the current situation, and consider segmentation, joint ventures, and mutual support based on the connections and gaps between different businesses. Conduct brainstorming sessions for joint ventures.
→ Compile a report on major companies' presentations related to clothing, food, and housing in the local economy and use my SNS as a platform.

Kamakura joint calendar.
Combine busy and quiet sales periods to explore opportunities for mutual support and delegated expansion.
→ First, create a calendar myself. Publish the financial calendar I created.

Kamakura joint MAP.
Use necessary statistics to integrate and evolve existing maps like child-raising maps, shopping street maps, etc.
→ Promote and contribute to various maps.

Kamakura version of AMAZON, create a joint market.
→ Promote various markets.

Get the city hall to invest, ensure pricing, and labor costs.
→ Share good work and information from the city's website.

There is modesty in design.

#Modest #Design "

Please let me know if you need any further assistance or modifications!
