
【禅語Zen Words】茶煙静(さえんしずかなり)Tea smoke is calm






Sa-en shizukanari(Tea smoke is calm)

Tea smoke refers to the steam that rises from the kettle when the water for making tea is boiled at the tea ceremony. The phrase "tea smoke is calm" captures the scene of the steam rising slowly and quietly.

The Zen word 'sa-en shizukanari' (Tea smoke is calm) describe how, while enjoying a cup of tea at the tea ceremony, the mind of the person watching the smoke also becomes calm like the smoke, and before long the person becomes the tea smoke itself. I interpret this as an expression of such a situation.

There is a state called 'Mu-shin' (no-mind) which is experienced when one is deeply involved in zazen. Mu-shin is often described as a state in which subjectivity and objectivity become one.
The relationship between the tea smoke and the person looking at it is the relationship between the one being looked at (the tea smoke) = objective and the one looking (the person) = subjective.
This Zen word expresses a scene in which the smoke and the person become one, in other words, it can be thought of as expressing the state of 'Mu-shin' at a tea ceremony, in which subjectivity and objectivity become one.

In such a beautiful tea ceremony with tea smoke in the air, the host and the guests are also one.
