
toefl writing indep.

No. 1
[ Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A teacher's ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught. ]

Intro - Nowadays, the quality of education is much better than it was a few decades ago with the dramatic evolution of great technology. I believe so because there were no online classes in the 1900s and YouTube would become the biggest online platform for not only entertainment but also learning now. Some people believe that teachers don't need to have a good relationship with students, whereas others may disagree. From my perspective, it is more imperative to maintain a good relationship with students for two reasons. 
Body1 - To begin with, students feel interested if their teachers make their class funny even if the subject is very difficult to understand for many people such as Math. In another word, it highly depends on teachers whether a student likes or dislikes the subject. It doesn't matter what the subject is but what matters if the teacher is funny and how well teachers can make a relationship well. I have great experience illustrating that. When I was in my first year at Tokyo University, one of the most famous universities in Japan, I majored in Business Administration and honestly didn't like it at that time. However, I took a different class about business when I became a sophomore. The professor was a different man from the class I had in my freshman year. The new professor's class all interested me because of the various and fascinating styles of classes. One of what I did was each student needed to create a virtual company whose owner was me. All his students including me competed and cooperated to make more profit because students would be ranked at the end of the semester. Surprisingly, I found it fascinating to learn about business and started buying books to learn more in-depth after my second year. He taught me how learning business is interesting rather than his great knowledge. This example evidently portrays how teachers are important for students. 
Body2 - Secondly, a teacher is not only a teacher but also a reliable person for a student who needs help. For students, teachers play a very important role because there are no people to ask problems, especially academic issues. Parents would be the most believable people for students to answer their questions, but very often, not always, they don't advise what to do for their children because they are not professional in terms of education. On the other hand, teachers and professors would have much more information than parents. If a student has a great relationship with his or her teacher, he or she can ask for help at ease. In my experience, I really appreciated my teachers in high school when I was struggling with what to do for my future. What my parents suggested was to discuss with my teachers in high school. The next day, I went to the office of trustworthy teachers and he taught me there were tons of working styles like an engineer, a teacher, a researcher, and so on. I asked them for help and trusted them due to our good relationship. If I hadn't maintained a good relationship with my teachers, I would have never asked them for some help. Therefore, for me, there is no doubt that having good relationships with teachers is more essential for students because the relationship makes teachers reliable. 
Conclu - In summary, in my view, having a good relationship between a teacher and a student is much more important rather than great knowledge of the subject the student learns. Not only will this makes students like the subject being taught but also help those who have academic issues ask their trustworthy teachers easily. 

No.1修正点:三人称単数の時の動詞にs, esをつけ忘れ。あと長い。600語もは多すぎ、も少し減らしてケアレスミス☝️などチェックに当てる。

No. 2[ Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? ]

Intro - Among travelers, whether traveling with friends or a family or traveling alone really depends on people's characteristics. On one hand, people who prefer to travel with others may say that it helps them to a large extent make a good relationship. On the other hand, opponents argue that it is fantastic that travelers can go anywhere and anytime because they are alone. In my opinion, I prefer to travel alone for two reasons. 
Body1 - To begin with, I can get much more freedom when I travel alone. If people travel with a companion, I believe there are some people who need to go, buy, and eat what they really don't want. I really prioritize how free I am not only when it comes to traveling but also almost everything such as working. Therefore, I kind of appreciate that Covid-19 enabled me to work remotely which means I have more time to do other stuff and am not forced anymore to go to an office every morning. In addition, I am really shy. When I was a teenager, I traveled a lot with my high school friends. However, I sometimes cared for them too much because of shyness. I thought of what they thought of me, what they wanted to go, and what they wanted to eat. It had a mentally negative impact on me. Eventually, I couldn't enjoy traveling with my friends. Except for my girlfriend and my family, I do not accompany anyone when I travel otherwise I would lose freedom and happiness from traveling.
Body2 - Secondly, I don't need to follow my plan I made before I travel alone. People in a group tour often are often told that they need to come back to the hotel or the bus at a specific time. They cannot ignore the rule because the others would suffer from problems such as waiting and worrying if some don't follow. On the contrary, I like breaking my plan I made before the trip. I always think and make a plan not to waste my precious time before the trip. However, details of the place I visit are unknown until I visit and feel. After I arrived, I ask local people where they recommend going there, what the best local food is, and so on. Sometimes they say very famous information that I know, but sometimes they provide me with good spots to visit that many people living outside of the town don't know. That information is always great and fantastic, but I can't go and eat if there is no time to do it. I can easily change my plan and enjoy it as much as I want.
Conclu -In summary, I prefer to like to travel alone. Traveling lonely provides me with much more freedom and I can change made plans due to the number of travelers. 

No. 2反省点:どれだけ早くアイデアを思い付いて書き始めれるかが鍵。始めの3分でアウトラインまで行けたら神。472語で単語数はベスト。文法ミス少なくて良き

No. 3
[ It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? ]
Intro - In general, a new building can be accepted due to its fashionable and modern style. On one hand, proponents may say that it would have a positive impact on young people as a modern place to eat, chat, and hang out. On the other hand, opponents may explain that it has more negative aspects for human health through the process of building. From my perspective, it is a bad idea to construct a new restaurant near my house for two reasons. 
Body1 - To begin with, one reason why I disagree with the idea is it makes a lot of noises. It is certain that there would be a big amount of noise every day until it is made. People could stand for the sound for a few months, but creating a new building often takes very long, not finished in 2 or 3 months. When I was a kid, I couldn't sleep very well because of the uncomfortable noise that occurred by constructing at night. There was a plan of constructing a new and big shopping store near my house. I wasn't the only person who had difficulty sleeping, but almost all neighbors around the store. After one month, we complained about it to the mayor, and he added new information to the plan not to work on building it. It was great that he was a kind man and considered our health, but residents including me suffered from bad impacts on health. Therefore, I don't speak up for building a new restaurant in my neighborhood. 
Body2 - Secondly, even if a new restaurant was built near my house, it sometimes does not bring great influence for residents around the restaurant. I lived in an apartment in Tokyo when I had been to Tokyo University, which is one of the most famous colleges in Japan. Where I lived was really urban so that there were many various stores for eating, buying new clothes, working out, hanging out. I often went out and drink and talk to my college friends. One day, I heard a new restaurant would be built in a half year even though there were filled of stores. My friends and I couldn't stop thinking that was ridiculous because there was no need to build a new restaurant around my residence. As we expected, few people took advantage of it and announced that the restaurant would be broken. A new restaurant may help rural cities energize the economy, but I don't agree with the plan to build a new restaurant since sometimes it doesn't work well like a restaurant I stated above. 
Conclu - In summary, building a new restaurant in my neighborhood would be a bad plan for two reasons. Not only will this make an uncomfortable sound all day long, but also this often doesn't make a lot of profits and eventually bankrupt. 

No.3: 単語数476でOK。問題は時間。

No. 4
[ Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 

Intro - This statement has both upsides and downsides for students. On one hand, some students may say that they don't need to study the subjects they don't want to study, whereas other students may explain all classes in high school are essential for them. In my view, I don't take its side because of the reasons which are that's university's business and that they can be easily failed in life. Therefore, I would adamantly oppose the idea of the statement. 
Body1 - To begin with, I am totally sure that it is what students can do in college to study what they want to study. College students can study whatever they want and that's why I think students enter university. I see the curriculum in high school as something for students to make the first step academically. High school students look for what they are interested in. If a student doesn't study various courses in high school, I believe he or she would struggle with what they want to learn. The student might not even know the subject they want to learn more in college even though he or she became a college student. I really appreciate what my high school provided me with because Science was the most fascinating subject for me through the curriculum, and now I am a scientist at Tokyo University, which is one of the most famous colleges in Japan. Since students in high school can seek what they really want to do in their future, they need to learn what they don't want to study. 
Body2 - Secondly, people who didn't study many subjects like Mathematics, English, and so on can be easily failed in their life. I assume that most high school students don't notice that what they learn in high school is common sense. That information and knowledge were essential to living life fully. If they don't study math during high school, they would not even able to do an easy math question. I can state the same thing as Mathematics. They don't even know how to speak and read if they don't learn. What Japanese helps students in high school would be a good example to explain the importance of high school. When I was a high school student, I had to learn thousands of much more difficult Kanji, a Japanese character that was derived from Chinese. I also needed to remember and know how to pronounce all of them and a large number of Kanji tests arranged in the 3 years. Technically, a typical Japanese start learning Kanji after they entered elementary school, so since 7 years old. Learning and remembering tons of Kanji was so hard, but as a result, I can now write them in a letter and read a newspaper composed of a lot of Kanji I learned in high school. Thus, I believe that students learn a lot of subjects even if they don't like them. 
Conclu - In summary, this statement can make heated discussion, but there is no doubt that high school students have to learn widely. Not only will this be that students would be able to learn deeply what they want to study in college but also that they would not achieve what they want in the future. 

dis, that's university's business, easily failed
No.4: 時間かかりすぎ。アイデアだけじゃなくて、理由や具体例も3分内で。547単語はOK

[ You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? use specific reasons and details to explain your choice. ]

No. 6
[ In some countries, people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. Do you think this is a good rule or a bad rule? Use specific reasons and details to support your position. ]

make an outline




1. テンプレートを使用して少しでも早く!!

[integrated task, 万能型]
Intro - The reading and the lecture are both about __________.
Body1 - To begin with, the article mentions that __________. The author argues that __________.
Body2 - Secondly, the writer suggests __________. The lecturer, however, rebuts this by mentioning __________.
Body3 - Finally, the author posits that __________. In contrast, the lecturer’s position is __________. 

[integrated task, 賛成型]


スクリーンショット 2021-04-05 8.11.49

[integrated task, 反対型]


The article explains that ______________and provides three reasons of support. However, the professor says that ____________and refutes each of the author’s points

First, the reading says that _________________. The professor refutes this point by stating that __________. He claims that _____________.

Second, the article states that ________________. Nonetheless, the professor says that _____________.
According to the professor, __________________.

Third, the reading says that _________________. The professor opposes this point by claiming that ________. He also explains that________________.


スクリーンショット 2021-04-05 8.08.37

[independent task]
Intro - In many parts of the world, heated discussions were surrounding the issue of whether it is a good idea to build nuclear power plants. On one hand, proponents explain that _______. On the other hand, opponents argue that ____. In my opinion, _____. Therefore, I would adamantly oppose the idea of 反対意見.

Body1, 2 - 1文目: To begin with (Secondly, Last but not least), __________.2~4文目: 理由
5文目: For instance, __________.
6~7文目: 「過去の経験」又は「客観的なデータ」
ラスト文章:This example evidently portrays how ____. / Therefore, there is no doubt _____________
Conclu - In summary, ______________. Not only will this _______________ but also this _________________. 
