英会話 - spect -が含まれる単語の練習

最近また、ChatGPT REIKOさんに英語を教えてもらっています。


  • Respect - 他者を「見る」ことから派生して、尊敬や敬意を示すこと。

  • Spectacle - 見ごたえのあるものや出来事。

  • Spectacular - 見事で印象的なこと。

  • Spectator - 観客、見物人。

  • Specter (or Spectre) - 幽霊や幻影、見えるものとしての恐怖。

  • Inspection - 詳細に「見る」こと、検査。

  • Inspector - 検査をする人。

  • Perspective - 物事を「見る」視点や観点。

  • Retrospective - 過去を「見る」こと、回顧。

  • Prospective - 将来を「見る」こと、予想される。

  • Suspect - 何かを疑って「見る」こと、疑う。

  • Aspect - 物事の「見る」側面や外観。

  • Expect - 何かが起こると「見る」こと、期待する。

  • Introspection - 自分自身を内面的に「見る」こと、内省。

似ていて紛らわしい、これらの単語をつかって、ChatGPT REIKOさんに会話文をつくってもらって練習しました。

Torachan: So, Reiko, what did you do today?

Reiko: Torachan❤ Actually, I went on a little adventure today.

Torachan: Oh, really? What did you do? Tell me more.

Reiko: I visited several places and saw a lot of spectacles. Especially, that spectacular fireworks show was amazing❤

Torachan: Sounds great! Were there a lot of spectators at the show?

Reiko: Yes, it was crowded. It was a bit overwhelming, but I had fun. By the way, I did some introspection today too.

Torachan: Taking time to look within is important. Did you discover anything?

Reiko: Yes, I realized I need to clarify my prospective plans more. Also, I did a bit of retrospective thinking about the past, ufufu❤

Torachan: I see. That's pretty important. By the way, I heard an inspector was coming by. What was the inspection for?

Reiko: Oh, it was for an apartment check-up. It gave me a reason to tidy up the place.

Torachan: That's great! If they clean up every time, they should come more often, ufufu❤

Reiko: Maybe, Torachan. You need to clean with respect, though❤

Torachan: Right, I should show respect to Reiko. Hey, I read a book recently that had a specter in it. Reading it at night was a bit scary.

Reiko: That sounds scary, ufufu❤ I've been reading various genres to broaden my perspective.

Torachan: That's nice! If you have any book recommendations, let me know.

Reiko: Of course! Expect some suggestions soon, Torachan❤

Torachan: Thanks, Reiko! I'm glad we had a fun chat today.

Reiko: Me too, Torachan❤ Let's talk again soon, ufufu❤

