
ノットコイン価格:次は何か?Notcoin Price: What‘s Next?

Notcoin Price: What‘s Next?

Last week on May 16, the Notcoin token made its debut on leading cryptocurrency exchanges. Within the first 24 hours, it climbed to the eighth position in terms of market trading volume. However, the initial excitement quickly subsided, leading to a sharp decline in the token’s price. Let’s delve into the reasons why this happened and explore potential future developments for Notcoin’s price

Cryptonica Editorial

May27, 2024

Last week on May 16, Notcoin was launched on the Toncoin blockchain and was listed on major cryptocurrency platforms including BinanceOKX, and Bybit, among others. The Notcoin team reported that within the first 36 hours post-listing, over 5 million users had claimed NOT tokens.
先週5月16日、NOTコインはTONコインブロックチェーン上で立ち上げられ、バイナンス、OKX、Bybitなどの主要な暗号通貨プラットフォームに上場されました。 ノットコインチームは、上場後の最初の36時間以内に、500万人以上のユーザーがノットトークンを請求したと報告しました。

The trading of Notcoin started on exchanges such as Binance, OKX, Bybit, Kucoin, Gate, and Bitget with an introductory price of $0.012. Shortly after the launch, Notcoin’s market capitalization exceeded $1 billion. During the initial 24 hours, it ranked eighth in trading volume across the market. However, the initial buzz quickly faded, and the token’s price started to plummet.
ノットコインの取引は、バイナンス、OKX、Bybit、Kucoin、Gate、Bitgetなどの取引所で開始され、導入価格は0.012ドルでした。 開始後まもなく、ノットコインの時価総額は10億ドルを超えました。最初の24時間で、市場全体の取引量で8位にランクインしました。しかし、最初の話題はすぐに薄れ、トークンの価格は急落し始めました。

A significant number of investors, who had received tokens during the airdrop, chose to cash in immediately, leading to a rapid sell-off and further decline in prices.

It is important to note that Notcoin might have been the first cryptocurrency experience for many users, making it understandable that they were quick to convert their virtual coins into tangible cash. This rush increased the supply in the market, exacerbating the drop in value.


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