
2023年の仮想通貨予測:今投資すべきコインのトップ5を専門家が発表 2023 Crypto Predictions: Expert Reveals Top 5 Coins to Invest in Now

2023 Crypto Predictions: Expert Reveals Top 5 Coins to Invest in Now

Photo by Sajad Nori on Unsplash写真、アンスプラッシュのサジャッドノリ撮影

Smart Finance

Jan 15, 2023

Learn Which Cryptocurrencies are Poised to Skyrocket in the Coming Year and How to Profit from Them

Ladies and gentlemen, the crypto market is off to a hot start this year and I couldn’t be more excited! After a rough 2022, it’s finally time to start stacking some profits. The total market cap of the crypto market has risen 14% in the new year.
ご列席の皆様、仮想通貨市場は今年ホットなスタートを切り、私はこれ以上興奮できることはありませんでした! 荒れた2022年の後、ついにいくつかの利益を積み重ね始める時が来ました。仮想通貨市場の総時価総額は新年に14%上昇しています。

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “But wait, you graduated from Harvard and drive a Lambo, you must have insider information on which coins are going to the moon in 2023.”

And while I wish that were the case, the truth is, nobody knows for sure how the market will perform. But, as a crypto expert and someone who’s made a killing trading these digital assets, I have a pretty good idea of which coins have the potential to bring in some serious cash.

Nr.1 Bitcoin (BTC)
No.1 ビットコイン(BTC)

The king of crypto, the OG of digital assets, call it what you will, but Bitcoin is the backbone of the crypto market and should be a staple in any diversified portfolio. With more and more countries legalizing BTC as a form of payment and the number of BTC transactions on the rise, it’s clear that this coin is no longer just for criminals and money launderers. Plus, the Bitcoin network is unrivaled in terms of security and decentralization, making it a solid store of value. This year, we could see some big developments in regulation and the Lightning Network could finally go mainstream, which would make transactions faster and cheaper.

Target price 2023: $30,000 — $45,000
Stop Loss: No stop, use dips to accumulate
2023年目標価格:30,000ドル– 45,000ドル

Nr.2 Ethereum (ETH)
No.2 イーサリアム(ETH)

Ethereum, or ETH for short, is a crypto that simply can’t be missed in any well-diversified crypto portfolio. This smart contract platform has recently completed its long-awaited merge to Ethereum 2.0, which uses a proof-of-stake consensus and allows users to participate in staking through their own validator or protocols like Lido Finance (LDO).
イーサリアム、あるいは略して ETH はどんなよく多角的な仮想通貨ポートフォリオでもただ見過ごすことのできない仮想通貨です。 このスマート契約プラットフォームは最近「掛け金の証明」合意を使って、彼ら自身の検証者あるいは Lido ファイナンス(LDO)のようなプロトコルを通してユーザーが掛け金を賭けるのに参加可能にするその待ち望まれたイーサリアム2.0への併合を完了しました。

The big news for Ethereum this year is the Shanghai upgrade, set to happen in March, which will allow investors to withdraw their ETH from the Beacon Chain for the first time in over a year. But don’t expect a mass sell-off following the upgrade — with staking prices lower than they were pre-upgrade, it’s unlikely to cause a major shift in the market.

And that’s not all — Ethereum has even more in store for us this year with the EIP 4844 Sharding upgrade. This update will allow the Ethereum mainchain to scale much more efficiently by splitting transaction loads across multiple “shards,” or mini-blockchains. Essentially, it’ll make the whole system run a lot smoother.
そして、それだけではありません — イーサリアムは今年、EIP 4844シャーディングのアップグレードでさらに多くのものを用意しています。このアップデートにより、イーサリアムのメインチェーンは、トランザクションの負荷を複数の「シャード」またはミニブロックチェーンに分割することで、はるかに効率的に拡張できるようになります。基本的に、システム全体がよりスムーズに実行されます。

But let’s not forget that Ethereum is already the clear leader in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). According to DeFillama.com, Ethereum’s dominance in the DeFi market has recently risen to over 60%, with a total value locked (TVL) of around $25 billion and over 600 DeFi protocols.
しかし、イーサリアムはすでに分散型金融(DeFi)の世界で明確なリーダーであることを忘れないでください。DeFillama.com によると、DeFi市場におけるイーサリアムの優位性は最近60%以上に上昇し、ロックされた合計値(TVL)は約250億ドルで、600を超えるDeFiプロトコルがあります。


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