
やり遂げるまで汗をかく: オレグフォメンコ、汗かき経済、STEPNの失敗、運動経済の未来について語る SWEAT It Till You Make It: Oleg Fomenko about SWEAT Economy, STEPN Failure, and Future of Movement Economy

SWEAT It Till You Make It: Oleg Fomenko about SWEAT Economy, STEPN Failure, and Future of Movement Economy
やり遂げるまで汗をかく: オレグフォメンコ、汗かき経済、STEPNの失敗、運動経済の未来について語る

How much can one earn by walking 10,000 steps and why is SWEAT not a scam? Let’s find out!
1万歩歩くことでいくら稼げるのか、なぜSWEATは詐欺ではないのか? 確認して見ましょう!

Cryptonica Editorialクリプトニカ編集部

Apr 26, 2024

Proof-of-Sweat: a Tangible Testament

Our editor-in-chief caught Oleg Fomenko in Dubai at the #TOKEN2049 conference. Oleg is the founder of the SWEAT Economy, a pioneer in the move-to-earn model long before the popular STEPN. We started 10 years ago, back in 2014,” Oleg began. “Originally, the project was called Sweatcoin”.
編集長は、#TOKEN2049 会議でドバイのオレグ・フォメンコを捕まえました。オレグは、人気のSTEPNのはるか以前から、move-to-earnモデルのパイオニアであるSWEAT経済の創設者です。10年前の2014年に始めました」とオレグは語り始めました。「当初、このプロジェクトはスエットコインと呼ばれていました」。

“I firmly believe that sweat is a testament-indeed, a proof of your physical effort”

- Oleg Fomenko

At first, the founders considered obvious names like Fitcoin, and Stepcoin, but they all seemed boring. Sweat, implying perspiration, is a word that evokes strong emotions and polarizes opinion. Sweat is evidence that you’re doing something.

“About three years after climbing Denali, one day, I went for a run. It was a tough day; I needed to clear my mind. And I realized I couldn’t run 5 km at the speed I had anticipated. It really bothered me. It then occurred to me that nearly 100% of people are unhappy with their physical activity level. People generally want to move more but cite a lack of time, money, bad weather, and a multitude of other excuses”

- Oleg Fomenko


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