APUの留学生が愛媛県で単位認定型インターンシップに参加しました APU International Students Participate in Credit-certified Internship Program in Ehime Prefecture

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
The following article appeared in the Ehime Shimbun on August 21.
I learned about Credit-certified internship from this article.
"Foreign students gain work experience and sell products they invented in Ikata, Japan."

This is an article about an internship program for five university students from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) in Beppu City, Oita Prefecture, in the town of Ikata, Ehime Prefecture.

They are students from Thailand, China, and Indonesia, and two Japanese students.
The internship is from August 17 to 22.
They will learn management from fishing to distribution at a fishery company in Ikata Town and also plan products.
During their stay in Ikata Town, the five students will experience fishing, learn about sales businesses such as direct internet sales, and marine environment conservation activities.

This credit-certified internship is one of the activities based on the cooperation agreement between the town of Ikata and APU.

"APU signs a partnership agreement with Ikata Town, Ehime Prefecture” (APU announcement dated August 3, 2011)

tomoni Japan Ltd would like to propose an internship program for foreign students to small and medium-sized Japanese companies.

(Credit-certified internships are decided by each university, so this program is different from those programs.)

== Japanese original ==
「シラス加工技術に驚き 外国人留学生ら就業体験、考案商品を販売 伊方」





