マラウイのコーヒー豆でマラウイの給食支援 Supporting school feeding in Malawi with coffee beans from Malawi

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
About 10 days ago, I wrote this post.
「コーヒー豆を買うと全額がマラウイの給食支援に使われます。 When you buy coffee beans, the entire amount goes to support school meal in Malawi.」

When you buy coffee beans on the Warm Hearts Coffee Club online site, the entire amount goes to support school meals in Malawi.
The coffee I bought was from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The sale of Malawian coffee was suspended at that time, even though Malawi is also making coffee in Malawi.

Sales of Malawian coffee have resumed, so we are introducing it again.
I have never had Malawian coffee before, so I am going to buy some again.

The following is a quote from the description on the Warm Hearts Coffee website.
 Malawi Misuku Hills Geisha Kachimol AA
 High quality AA-rated speciality coffee from Malawi, Africa.
 A Fairtrade coffee, 100% of which goes to the country of origin - for
 a 200g serving, 130 school lunches can be delivered to children in the
 country of origin.
 Choose between regular and deep roast. The deep roast is recommended
 for making iced coffee or for those who prefer a darker, richer taste.

== Japanese original ==
「コーヒー豆を買うと全額がマラウイの給食支援に使われます。 When you buy coffee beans, the entire amount goes to support school meal in Malawi.」

Warm Hearts Coffee Clubというオンラインサイトでコーヒー豆を買うとその売上金額が全部マラウイの給食支援に使われるという話です。その時に買ったのはコンゴ民主共和国産のコーヒーでした。マラウイでもコーヒーを作っているのですが、その時はマラウイのコーヒーの販売が中断していました。


以下、Warm Hearts Coffeeのサイトの説明からの引用です。
 マラウイ ミスク農園 ゲイシャ・カチモール AAアフリカ・マラウイ
