アンビエント音源_KasioChinaTone 2_2020 from 2012 Kasioremix (2020 treatment) by Fureasteen


Japanese Craft Design Techno Band!
#ambinet #drone #experimental #techno #DUB #80salternative #shoegaze #dreampop #indierock #indiepop #alternative #softrock #postrock

It's the music sauce base from all casiotone and cheap synth, pedals experimented by members of fureasteen at the time of 1995's. Remix tune will be scraped and jamming, drumming and adding the new essence on the style board.
Some tunes inspired by Kenji Miyazawa's Night on the Galactic Railroad,
is a classic Japanese fantasy novel by written around 1927.
History: Fureasteen was originally formed in London in 1993 by Tomokazu Date, who had previously played experimental music with Chez Holmes of Exit aka Nova. At first, Fureasteen was a four-piece band of which only Tomokazu was an experienced musician ( he preferred using Japanese art school students with enthusiasm for making their own music). Each Sunday they gathered in a small Kings Cross flat to record experimental music using a cheap synthesizer and Casiotone keyboards.Eventually, in 1997 the band gained the attention of i Records who released a 7" single "Kasiotelemusik".Not long after its release, the band split up. To this day Tomakazu still makes music under the Fureasteen name.

ファーイスティンは、1993年ロンドンでEXIT(前身NOVA)としてチェズ・ホームズと実験音楽をやっていたダテトモカズによって結成されました。当初ファーイースティンは、4人のメンバーがいて、トモカズのみ経験があるミュージシャンで他のメンバーはアートスクールに通う日本人学生でした。毎週日曜日にキングスクロスにあるフラットにて、安いシンセサイザーとカシオトーンのみで実験的な音楽を奏でレコーディングに明け暮れていました。1997年にアイ・レコード(Che Records傘下) より「カシオテレミュージック」の7インチシングルをリリースしましたが、ほどなくバンドは解散しました。トモカズだけがファーイスティン名義で音楽を作って活動しています。

We used to call our sound As <Electric Zen Sound>We learned music from La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich ...
We inspired by the film directed by Andrei Tarkovsky "Solaris"
Making a sound that stimulates the human-beings subconscious, making sound helping people realize the mystic of the sound of the universe... Is there any sound? WE used to provide the 8 mm film and slide projector screened original film on our live performances.
We used to make our sound with Casiotone keyboards.

PLS register Channel Tom Dante
HP: https://fureasteen.wixsite.com/fureas...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tom_dante_f...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tomdanteblue...
Bandcamp: https://fureasteen.bandcamp.com
Soundclouds: https://soundcloud.com/fureasteen
