

オリヴィエ・ブランシャールの『21世紀の財政政策 (Fiscal Policy Under Low Interest Rates) 』の第7章「要約と未解決の課題 (Summary and open issues)」の和訳です。

ブランシャールは、ピーターソン国際経済研究所のシニアフェローで、MIT で経済学の名誉教授も務めています。また、2008年から2015年まで IMF のチーフエコノミストを務めました。

ブランシャールの理論を一言でいうと、民間需要が強ければ「純粋財政 (pure public finance)」アプローチを採用して政府債務の削減を目指し、民間需要が弱ければ「機能的財政 (functional finance)」アプローチを採用してマクロ安定化を目指せということです。

1. For the last thirty years, advanced economies have suffered chronically weak private demand, or, put another way, strong saving chasing weak investment. In addition, there has been a shift in demand towards safe assets.


2. Together, these factors have led to a steady decrease in the neutral rate—the safe rate needed to maintain output at potential. This state of low demand and resulting low neutral rates has been called “secular stagnation”.

これらの要因が相まって、中立金利 (潜在産出量を維持するために必要な安全金利) は低下し続けた。このような需要の低迷とそれによる中立金利の低迷は、「長期的停滞 (secular stagnation)」と呼ばれている。

3. As the neutral rate has decreased, it has crossed two thresholds, first becoming smaller than the growth rate, and then occasionally running into the effective lower bound constraint. This has had two major implications for fiscal policy.


4. As the neutral rate has become lower, and in particular has become lower than the growth rate, the fiscal costs of debt have decreased, and, importantly, so have the welfare costs of debt.


5. As the neutral rate has become close to or even lower than the minimum rate implied by the effective lower bound, monetary policy lost much of its room of maneuver, increasing the benefits of using fiscal policy for macro-stabilization.


6. One cannot be sure, but weak private demand, and a high demand for safe assets, are likely to be with us for some time to come.


7. Think of two approaches to fiscal policy: First, a “pure public finance” approach, assuming that monetary policy can maintain output at potential and, if debt is perceived as too high, focusing on debt reduction. Second, a “functional finance” approach, assuming that monetary policy cannot be used, focusing instead on macro stabilization.

財政政策に対する2つのアプローチを考えてみよう。1つめは「純粋財政 (pure public finance)」アプローチで、金融政策によって潜在産出量を維持できると仮定し、債務が大きすぎると思われる場合には債務の削減に焦点を当てるというものである。2つめは「機能的財政 (functional finance)」アプローチで、金融政策が使用できないと仮定し、代わりにマクロ安定化に焦点を当てるというものである。

8. The right fiscal policy is then a mix of the two, with the relative weights depending on the strength of private demand. If private demand is strong, then fiscal policy can follow mostly pure public finance principles. The weaker private demand, the more the weight should be on functional finance principles and macro stabilization.


9. A simple implication of this way of thinking about the right policy is: Use fiscal policy so that the neutral rate at least exceeds the effective lower bound constraint by a reasonable margin, to give enough room for monetary policy to sustain output.


10. For the time being, there is no serious risk to debt sustainability in advanced economies. But these risks could arise. On the one hand, if private demand became very strong and the neutral rate increased substantially, debt service would increase; but strong private demand and increased monetary policy room would also allow for fiscal consolidation without adverse effects on output. On the other hand, if private demand became even weaker, then, to keep output at potential, governments might have to run such large deficits that, despite low interest rates, the debt ratio kept increasing. If so, we would have to think of other ways of reacting to acute secular stagnation.

