
【要約】Proliferating Lies (CNNEE2024 2月号)

記事に出てきた単語や表現を使う練習として、CNNEE 2024年2月号のCNN NEWS SELECTIONの"Proliferating Lies"の要約をしました。要約の過程は、音声をディクテーション→スクリプト確認→音声確認→和訳→音読→もう一度音声を聞く→後日要約、といった流れです。


Many fake videos containing misinformation and disinformation about the Israel-Hamas conflict are circulating around the world. Recent computer graphics technology has made it affordable to create fake videos. For example, one video used the same kind of graphics sets as BBC News would normally use to falsely claim that Ukraine provided weapons to Hamas. Another video showing a White House memo falsely claiming to send billions of dollars in aid to Israel also circulated on social networking sites. According to Adi Cohen, who works for an online-threat intelligence, while this is an old-school tactic, today's tools allow us to create fake videos very quickly. Because Israel is a connected country, people are likely to see an enormous amount of disinformation about the conflict.

Twitter, now known as X, has been a major source of misinformation since Eron Mask took over and drastically changed the platform. It became easier for unsubstantiated rumors to spread as several platforms, including X, scaled back on moderation. After the European Commission announced that it was opening an investigation into misinformation on X about the Israel-Hamas conflict, X said that it was moving resources around the company to address some of these issues. However, this is not a problem exclusive to X. It is happening on other platforms as well. But right now, it is quite pronounced on X. Fake news gets millions of views before anything is done, adding to the chaos, confusion, and concern.
