【英日対訳】DeepL翻訳 #ランセット論文 「日本の新首相への公開書簡」|@TheLancet (2020.9.28)

[Published: 2021/6/4]


2021年4月14日,東京オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会(東京2020)の開催まで100日と迫った日に,英国で180年の歴史を誇る医学誌『British Medical Journal』(BMJ)がEditorial(論説)を発表した。世界的権威ある医学誌の論説とあって,国内外のメディアはこれを広く取り上げた。その翻訳は拙ノートにまとめた。

この今年4月の論説で最も頻繁に引用される脚注5に当たる,別の論説 『日本はコロナ根絶を目指すべき』(仮訳)ついては下記の通り訳出済みだが,この論説も含め,参照元記事でも頻繁に引用されたのが、2020年9月28日,第99代内閣総理大臣に就任した菅義偉首相に宛て,医学誌『ランセットに』掲載された書簡だった。






An open letter to Japan's new Prime Minister



Kazuki Shimizu

Taro Kondo

Yasuharu Tokuda

Kenji Shibuya


On Sept 16, 2020, Yoshihide Suga was inaugurated as Japan's new Prime Minister after the resignation of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. One of Abe's political legacies was Japan's commitment to global health.1 Abe has been the leading advocate for human security and universal health coverage.

2020年9月16日、安倍晋三前首相の辞任により、菅義偉氏が日本の新首相に就任した。安倍前首相の政治的遺産の一つは、国際保健に対する日本のコミットメントだった[1]。安倍氏は、「人間の安全保障」と「ユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジ」(UHC) [訳注: 世界中の全ての人が生涯を通じて必要な時に基礎的な保健サービスを負担可能な費用で受けられること(外務省)] の主要な提唱者でもあった。

[参考1] 外務省プレスリリースと日本語原文

Under his leadership, Japan contributed to revamping global health security systems by strengthening WHO's function and establishing the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, all of which are now critical in the ongoing global response to COVID-19.


There are, however, major challenges in Japan's current response to COVID-19. Although the COVID-19 mortality rate is relatively low, the reasons behind this achievement are not as well understood as for other successful responses in nearby east Asian countries. Key lessons from Japan's initial response were anecdotal, and there has been no formal scientific evaluation of governmental responses.


The government is now accelerating domestic travel through it's Go To Travel campaign and encouraging the population to eat in restaurants with its Go To Eat campaign. The lack of accountability, combined with the government's rather laissez-faire approach, resulted in the recent large resurgence of COVID-19.2 Japan's pressing challenges in its COVID-19 response should be of the highest priority for Prime Minister Suga.

日本政府は現在、「Go To Travel」キャンペーンで国内旅行を促進し、「Go To Eat」キャンペーンで国民に飲食店での食事を奨励している。説明責任の欠如と、政府の放任主義的なアプローチが、最近の新型コロナの大規模な復活につながった[2]。新型コロナ対応における日本の喫緊の課題は、菅首相にとって最優先事項の筈である。

First, in order to maintain socioeconomic activities without draconian measures, and to minimise the long-term economic costs, it will be essential to develop a comprehensive testing strategy and to ramp up both PCR and antigen testing capacity. Ensuring sufficient testing and tracing capacities, and implementing locally managed, non-pharmaceutical interventions, will contain COVID-19 transmission promptly and effectively.3


Second, supporting vulnerable and high-risk populations will mitigate the overall impact of COVID-19. A risk-based, bottom-up approach based on scientific assessment should be explored. Oversimplified practices implemented in a top-down manner, such as the New Lifestyle campaign, might not be applicable to essential workers, migrant workers, and service sectors.


Finally, but not least important, protect front-line health-care workers. The burden on the overstretched health-care workforce is growing. The current financing scheme needs to be revised as part of an ongoing work style reform.4 Regular protective screening for essential workers will reduce transmission, mitigate further depletion of the workforce, and maintain their health conditions.56

最後に、最も重要なことは、第一線で働く医療従事者を守ることである。疲弊した医療従事者の負担は増大している。現在の資金調達スキームは、進行中の「働き方改革」の一環として見直す必要がある[4]。必要不可欠な労働者を対象とした定期的な防護的スクリーニング [PCR検査]は、感染を減らし、労働力のさらなる枯渇を緩和し、彼らの健康状態を維持するのに役立つ[5][6]。

COVID-19 has posed sector-wide challenges and revealed the fundamental inequalities in the human security agenda. The Japanese health system is no exception.


Considering Prime Minister Suga's enthusiasm for saving citizens' livelihoods and revitalising the economy, we, health-care workers and scientists, expect him to manage and control the crisis by expressing empathy to vulnerable and high-risk populations and by protecting front-line workers. A human security approach—a fundamental value in Japan's foreign policy that prioritises protecting human lives—is pivotal.1


Containing COVID-19 domestically through invigorated science and innovation will strengthen global and regional health security; such an approach will also help Japan revamp the highly politicised COVID-19 response and resume a leadership role in global health policy to end the pandemic.





1. Abe S, Japan's vision for a peaceful and healthier world. Lancet. 2015; 386: 2367-2369 [和文]
2. Shimizu K, Wharton G, Sakamoto H, Mossialos E. Resurgence of COVID-19 in Japan. BMJ. 2020; 370m3221
3. Bognanni M, Hanley D, Kolliner D, Mitman K. Economic activity and COVID-19 transmission: evidence from an estimated economic-epidemiological model. [PDF]
4. Shibuya K, Unno N. Unpaid doctors in Japanese university hospitals. Lancet. 2019; 393: 1096-1097
5. Grassly NC, Pons-Salort M, Parker EP et al. Comparison of molecular testing strategies for COVID-19 control: a mathematical modelling study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2020; (published online Aug 18.)
6. Black J, Bailey C, Przewrocka J, Dijkstra KK, Swanton C. COVID-19: the case for health-care worker screening to prevent hospital transmission. Lancet. 2020; 395: 1418-1420
