

[Last Updated: 2021/1/16]



2017年9月3日,退任から7か月後に、米CNNは独自にこの手紙を独占入手し全文を公表した。オバマ大統領の手紙は三つ折りの便箋に手書きでしたためられ,その封筒には達筆な大文字で「MR. PRESIDENT」とあったという。手紙は大統領執務机(The Resolute Desk)の一番上の引き出しの中に収められていた。以下は当時Tumblrに掲載した下記全訳の転載である。





Dear Mr. President -


Congratulations on a remarkable run. Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure.


This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I don't know that any advice from me will be particularly helpful. Still, let me offer a few reflections from the past 8 years.


First, we've both been blessed, in different ways, with great good fortune. Not everyone is so lucky. It's up to us to do everything we can (to) build more ladders of success for every child and family that's willing to work hard.


Second, American leadership in this world really is indispensable. It's up to us, through action and example, to sustain the international order that's expanded steadily since the end of the Cold War, and upon which our own wealth and safety depend.


Third, we are just temporary occupants of this office. That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions -- like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties -- that our forebears fought and bled for. Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it's up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.


And finally, take time, in the rush of events and responsibilities, for friends and family. They'll get you through the inevitable rough patches.


Michelle and I wish you and Melania the very best as you embark on this great adventure, and know that we stand ready to help in any ways which we can.


Good luck and Godspeed,








Thank You

January 19, 2017 at 10:05 AM ET by President Barack Obama

2017年1月19日 東部時間午前10:05 著:バラク・オバマ大統領



My fellow Americans,


It’s a long-standing tradition for the sitting president of the United States to leave a parting letter in the Oval Office for the American elected to take his or her place. It’s a letter meant to share what we know, what we’ve learned, and what small wisdom may help our successor bear the great responsibility that comes with the highest office in our land, and the leadership of the free world.


But before I leave my note for our 45th president, I wanted to say one final thank you for the honor of serving as your 44th. Because all that I’ve learned in my time in office, I’ve learned from you. You made me a better President, and you made me a better man.


Throughout these eight years, you have been the source of goodness, resilience, and hope from which I’ve pulled strength. I’ve seen neighbors and communities take care of each other during the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. I have mourned with grieving families searching for answers – and found grace in a Charleston church.




I’ve taken heart from the hope of young graduates and our newest military officers. I’ve seen our scientists help a paralyzed man regain his sense of touch, and wounded warriors once given up for dead walk again. I’ve seen Americans whose lives have been saved because they finally have access to medical care, and families whose lives have been changed because their marriages are recognized as equal to our own. I’ve seen the youngest of children remind us through their actions and through their generosity of our obligations to care for refugees, or work for peace, and, above all, to look out for each other.




難民に接したり,平和のために活動したり,そして何よりも互いを気遣うという,我々大人としての責務を, とても幼い子どもが, その行動とやさしさを以て我々に思い出させてくれた場に,居合わせたこともありました。

I’ve seen you, the American people, in all your decency, determination, good humor, and kindness. And in your daily acts of citizenship, I’ve seen our future unfolding.


All of us, regardless of party, should throw ourselves into that work – the joyous work of citizenship. Not just when there’s an election, not just when our own narrow interest is at stake, but over the full span of a lifetime.

我々アメリカ人は,党派を超え,「市民」として行動する喜びのために自らを捧げるべきなのです。 選挙の時だけではありません。個人の権益が冒された場合だけでもありません。我々の生涯を通じてです。

I’ll be right there with you every step of the way.


And when the arc of progress seems slow, remember: America is not the project of any one person. The single most powerful word in our democracy is the word ‘We.’ 'We the People.’ 'We shall overcome.’

そして思い描いた通りに物事が進まなくても,覚えておいてください。 アメリカは,いち個人の試みではありません。民主主義で最も力のある言葉は"We"(我ら)です。"We the People"(我ら合衆国の国民は), “We Shall Over Come"(我らは乗り越える)”

"Yes, we can."(我らにはできる)

