小説ロマンシングサガ3-宿命を乗り越えて- 第2話 ミカエル宿営地~ポドールイへの出発 Novel Romancing Saga 3 - Overcome Fate - Episode 2 Michael Camp ~ Departure to Podolui























































Monica thanked Julian in bed when she spent the night in the village of Sinon.

"The person named Julian…he was the first to speak to me…and he also refuted Mr. Khalid’s opinion and said that he would help me…Mr. Julian… "

Julian was also thinking about Monica.

"I used to like Ellen, but Monica... she's beautiful..."

The next morning, they were to depart to the camp where Michael was on an expedition.

"Make sure to protect Monica. With the Desert Lance formation, I'll fend off most of the monsters and the enemy's attacks."

With Khalid as the leader, the party departed for Michael.

"Wow, you're strong just because you're proud of it."

Even Ellen, who boasted of her strength, was surprised at how strong Khalid was. He easily kicked out goblins and other monsters.

Almost at Michael's camp, I saw a swiftly approaching shadow.

"What? It's a big bird monster!"

"Come on my cam scene!"

Khalid attacked. I'm not dead yet. The bird monster was relentlessly trying to catch Sarah.

Ellen became worried.

"No way... this monster is aiming for Sarah...? That's why I wanted you to stay at home..."

Ellen attacks with an ax to keep Sarah from handing over.


A giant bird counterattacked with its claws. Eren's shoulder was bleeding.

"I have to help my sister!"

Sarah quickly shot an arrow. The arrow pierced the head of a giant bird.

"Not yet!"

Thomas and Julian attacked with spears and swords, respectively. The giant bird monster died.

"Good, I won"

"To think that monsters like that appear around here...Is it true that the Abyss Gate opened due to the influence of the Death Eater? No way...the Abyss monsters are after Sara..."

While holding back her wounds, Ellen thought. The Abyss Gate is a gate that connects this world with the Abyss (a magical world where monsters live in large numbers). It was closed during the time of the Holy King, but may have reopened.

"Are you okay, Ellen! I'll take care of you now."

Thomas treats Ellen with wound medicine.

"Thank you."

The party arrived at Michael's camp.

"Your Majesty, Monica was here."

"I see, okay, let her through."

"Monica, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Actually, Baron Godwin and the minister are aiming for a coup d’état, and I have come to tell you about it, brother."

"You came all the way to tell me that. Who are the people in the back?"

"The people who escorted me this far. Sinon pioneers Thomas, Julian, Ellen, Sarah, and Khalid, who happened to be in Sinon."

"It was hard work. I can't thank you much because it's a camp right now. I will suppress the rebellion and return to Roane and give a sufficient reward. Well, can you guys do one more job? Please escort Monica to Podolui."

"Podorui… Um, you say about Earl Vampire, Master Michael!"

"That's right, the Earl is more trustworthy than a clumsy person. Of course, I wouldn't want Monika to become a vampire, so be careful."

"Okay then, we'll be leaving soon."

"Wait, you said Khalid, aren't you Tornado?"

"Some people call me that."

"This is just the right, valuable force. You can fight with me. Those four escorts are enough."

"As long as you give me the money, I don't mind."

Monica and her four set off for Podolui.

"My brother, I wish you good luck."

Monica wished her beloved brother the best of luck in the fight.

"Can we do it alone?"

"Julian, what's wrong? You're weak. It's okay."

Having a strong sense of justice and courage, Thomas cheered up Julian after hearing his uncharacteristic remarks.

"I'm different from who I was yesterday. I want to know more about the outside world! I want to go on an adventure too!"

Sarah has grown up under the protection of her older sister, but she has awakened to her adventurous spirit.

"I have to protect Sarah. My wounds are minor."

Ellen, as her older sister, had a strong sense of her determination to protect her Sarah. Ellen seemed to know something of Sarah's secret. Thomas was aware of it, but he couldn't hear it.

Monica and Sinon's youths began walking with their own thoughts in their hearts.
