小説ロマンシングサガ3-宿命を乗り越えて- 第4話 それぞれの旅立ちへ








































































"I was able to overcome this difficult situation thanks to your cooperation. Especially, Khalid, Thomas, Julian, Ellen, Sarah, you guys weren't even my subjects, but you did a great job."

"Thank you, Mr. Khalid."

"It's for the money."

"Thank you, Mr. Thomas."

"Too good a word for me."

"Thank you, Mr. Julian."

"My father told me to follow the path I believe in, so..."

"Thank you, Ms. Ellen."

"It was fun to travel with Princess Monica."

"Thank you, Ms. Sarah."


"Thank you, Katarina."

"Monica's courage crushed Godwin's plot."

"I will give you enough rewards."

"Well, of course."

"Mr. Harryd!"

A few days later... in the square of Roane, late at night...

"I'm glad that this incident somehow ended... It was a quick solution thanks to Master Michael's calm judgment and control..."

Katarina was alone, twilight.

Then Michael appeared.

"Katarina, I was worried about you."

"Master Michael! It is an honor to have you worry about me, who is nothing more than Monica-sama's bodyguard."

"That's not right. As a woman, I was worried about Katarina."

"Master Michael… that’s… I’m so happy."

Michael snuggled up to Katarina. The two's breathing became rough. Michael entwined his hands with Katarina. Naturally, Michael's lips met Katarina's. Katarina's face turned red.

"Katarina...is there a masquerade?"

Michael asked after the two were in ecstasy for a while.

"Yes, here."

"This is the relic of the Holy King that has been handed down from generation to generation in Roane, and this is what I wanted."

"?!You are!"

"You're late! I got the masquerade! It seems you didn't see through my transformation ability."

The man, in his late 20s and about the same height as Michael, revealed his true colors and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Katarina, unable to chase after her, sat down in her stupor.

The next day... Roane Palace, in the throne room...

"What are you going to do now?"

"I don't have a particular destination, but I'm thinking of going north. I still have to work. Then take care of her sister."

When Khalid left the throne room, he passed Katarina, who had cut her hair short.

"Hmm? Katarina... what's wrong? Well, okay."

"Katarina, please come in."

"Excuse me… Master Michael, the Masquerade has been stolen."

"Is that hair a sign of your resolve? By the way, why was the Masquerade stolen from someone like you?"

"That's the only thing I can't say."

"In that case, there is no need to ask again. I won't allow you to return to Roanne until you have the Masquerade back."

"No way! That's terrible, my brother!"

"Katarina, go! Next, call Julian!"

"Mr. Julian, please come in."

"Excuse me. Why did you take me this time..."

"Actually, I want to create a unit called the Princess Guard to protect Monica. I want you to take on that responsibility."

"It's too heavy for me."

"Mr. Julian! Please!"

"It was recommended by Monica and Khalid. Please accept it."

"Yes, I accept."

1 hour later...at the tavern in Roanne...

"Ellen, I'm going to be Monica's princess guard!"

"Wow, that's amazing!"
Eren's inner voice said, "What, your attitude is different from when you were wooing me back then! It doesn't matter to me anymore, just do whatever you want!"

"What about Thomas?"

"I'm going to Pidona at the request of my grandfather. I was thinking of inviting Julian, but it's a shame."

"Sarah, we're going back to Sinon's house."

"Sister, I want to go to Pidona with Thomas."

"You can't help Thomas even if you follow him."

"No, I'm worried, but I want to see the outside world! My sister, let's go together!"

"I can't help it..."

"What about Khalid?"

"I'm thinking of going to Lance in the north. See you next time. Nice to meet you."

Khalid left the bar.

Just as he was about to board the ship from Myls to Zweig, he met again with Katarina, who had cut her hair.

"Hey, Katarina, what's wrong? Did something happen?"


Katarina explained the situation.

"I see, I might get some clues, so why don't we go to Lance together? It's hard to find Masquerade by yourself, isn't it?"

"Yes... "

Thomas and the others board a ship heading for Pidna. From now on, each new adventure begins.
