小説ロマンシングサガ3-宿命を乗り越えて- 第41話 暗闇の迷宮
























































































「俺はトムを嫌ってた。あいつはたらふく食べてるに違いないって。それをいうと、トムから食べ物をもらえなくなるから黙ってた。自警団を作る前にエレンから初めて聞いたんだ。トムは自分の分を全部、俺たちのために持ってきてた。それを聞いて俺は恥ずかしくて。 トム、立派すぎるだろう。まだ子供だったじゃないかトムだって」















The night before the final battle, the party decided to take a good rest at the inn in Genjou to save energy for the final battle.

Ellen was determined.

"Sarah...I'll protect you...I'm your sister..."

Sarah was thinking of rescuing the boy.

"Instead of me... disappeared into the Abyss. I will definitely rescue you..."

And when everyone fell asleep... For some reason, Sarah, Ellen, Thomas, Julian, and Khalid had the same dream, and they were able to talk to each other in the dream. It was dark in the dream, and they could hardly see anything, only a little light.

"Th-This is···"

"This must be a labyrinth of darkness... I've heard legends that a monster called Yama controls the dreams of sleeping people and eats their regrets..."

"Eh... what should we do?"

"We have no choice but to defeat Yama in the depths of this dark labyrinth..."

Said Thomas.

At that moment... Khalid's feelings of regret appeared, and the stage suddenly turned into a desert.

"This is the Naju Desert... that time... that time, I left the princess in Ludwig's hands... if only I had escaped with her... even in this dream alone... I will protect the princess to the end."

Ellen saw the same scene.

"This woman is Khalid's ex-girlfriend, Princess Fatima...a beautiful woman..."

For some reason, Ellen felt a pain in her chest, and she felt jealous.

Khalid regretted saying "I'll stop here"...and the next words...

"No, after all, I will protect the princess until the end...let's run away together."


At that time, she has given an accessory.

"Don't lose it anymore...I'll always be with you..."

Khalid got a princess necklace.

"Let's hurry up! We have to escape from the dream as soon as possible!"

Thomas and the others rushed forward. Then there was the figure of a boy this time. Apparently, the boy in Abyss had the same dream.

"That boy... now it's his regrets... but if he's dreaming, he's still alive... Good luck. I'll definitely rescue you from the Abyss."

When Sarah said so, the boy began to speak.

"If you get involved with me, everyone will be unhappy...it happened in a certain port town."

"Work more!"

"Hey, sorry, he is still a child."

"Just because he's a child, doesn't spoil it!"

"Yes... you did your best. It's a good deal. Well then, we'll get on the ship..."

After that, this ship was attacked by pirates, and it seems that they either lost their lives or were trafficked.

"I wonder if that happens...it's not your fault."

"Why are you so close to someone else's house? Go away!"

"Boy, it's hard being alone. There's no place to sleep, but it's better than being outside. Come on in."

After that, it seems that most of the people died in this town due to epidemic.

"But you're not the cause of the disease, are you?"

After that, the stage moves to the Ruins of the Sea of Corruption.

"At that time... I was kidnapped by a monster and taken to the Ruins of the Sea of Corruption. If it hadn't been for this incident... Elephant Brother wouldn't have had to sleep. At least in his dreams. Even with only this···"

The boy defeated the monster and saved his past self and the elephant brother.

"You are..."

"Don't worry about me, take the boy and hurry back to the city and hide."

"Yes, I will. Thank you."

The elephant brother took the young boy back to Lashkuta.

After that, the stage moved to the plains of Togoku. The boy's parents were still running away with the baby boy.

"If you come this far, you'll be fine."

Then a monster appeared.

"It's a destined child... Shall I hand over that child..."

At that time, the current boy appeared and defeated the monster.

"Did you protect me?"

"I know what kind of child he is."

"I guess, otherwise, even defeating monsters won't save us. Thank you. We will protect and raise this child with care."

The boy wanted to protect his parents, at least in his dreams.

Thomas and his friends rush into the deepest part of the labyrinth of darkness. Then there was Yama, the monster that was in Yammy, who was in Leonid Castle.

"I am a being who eats people's regrets... I can't escape from here."

It became a battle with Yama.

Ellen visits her with her newly acquired strongest martial arts technique, the Tiger Break.

"You can't beat me with just that... you're a jerk!"

Everyone suffered heavy damage. Thomas healed everyone with the Byakko Jutsu's Earth Heal.

Khalid smashed his clone sword into Yama. Still can't beat Yama.

"Fuhahaha, it's a nightmare, have a nightmare."

Thomas and the others fell into a nightmare even in a dream.

"Ugh... I have to wake up early..."

When he awoke, he was tormented by various anomalies, including confusion.

"Cure with panacea..."

He treated everyone with a panacea.

Thomas used the strongest Byakko Jutsu, Super Gravity. Yama was crushed by gravity, damaged, and seemed unable to move for a while.

"Now is the time to use everyone's strongest technique!"

Khalid used a dual-sword sword, Julian also used an alter ego sword, Ellen used Tiger Break, and Sara fired arrows at Yama many times.

Finally defeated Yama.

"Ha, ha, stronger than any enemy I've ever faced. Better than the illusion of the four demon nobles."

"No way... I will be defeated... the memory of my past..."

Then, reminiscences of about 15 years ago unfolded.

"Baby, my little sister is born!"

Julian shouted happily. Then a death eclipse obscured the sun.

"The sun has been eaten..."

"My sister died..."

"Sarah, it's okay, Sarah! Don't you die!"

She prayed while young Ellen cried. Sarah never died.

"Memories of the Death Eater...it was so painful that I didn't want to remember it..."

Julian said.

"I'm sorry... it's my fault..."

"Why are you apologizing? Little sister, even though I cried so much because I was so pitiful and sad..."

"I was starving, wasn't it? The year of the Death Eater. I only remember being hungry."

"Ellen was great. Sarah. I was desperately looking for food for my sake."

"I was just doing the obvious thing. I am your big sister after all. At the time of the Death Star, everyone seemed to be starving."

"I hated Tom. He must be eating too much. I first heard it from Ellen before we made it Tom brought all his own stuff for us I was ashamed to hear that Tom, you're too good, you were a kid Or even Tom."

"No, Julian. It's all thanks to Grandpa. I shared a little with you at first too. Then if Grandpa wants to gain real trust, real friends. If you're a man of the Bento family, you need to be prepared to give everything.That's what I was told.That's why I started taking everything. My father scolded me later. But my father also allowed me to do that."

"I was able to do that thanks to the usual preparations of the Bento family.The storehouse is empty. You can't do anything with just your feelings. Hey, Thomas."

"That's exactly right. I'm going to prepare this time so that I can be okay in any battle. In the final battle in the Abyss, I will definitely win. We are prepared, too."

"I made up my mind. I will definitely rescue that child. Not because he took my place, but because I want to help that child. If it's for that purpose, I'll definitely overcome anything and show it to you."

"I can't help it... I really want to stop you as my older sister, but even if I stop you, you'll go away on your own. Let's save the boy together!"

"Only this time is special. After everything is finished, I would like you to pay me including the bonus. So don't worry and leave it to me. I will defeat any enemy with this cam scene."

Khalid said confidently.

"Oh, about that...the company I run is doing very well. Khalid, I know you need the money to rebuild your country. It's not like you are being greedy for no reason."

The moment Thomas said that, the six woke up from their dream.

"Let's save that boy, my sister."


In the Abyss, too, the boy was awake.

"Woke up from my sleep... If I die quietly here, 300 years of peace will come... I'm prepared."
