小説ロマンシングサガ3-宿命を乗り越えて- 第30話 火術要塞~アウナスとの決戦
























































Sarah, Ellen, Thomas, Undine, a boy, and Tatiana entered the fire fortress.

"It's hot in this building...there are fires everywhere."

Ellen said so.

"It's true...it's crazy hot."

Undine said the same thing.

On the way, they proceeded to the depths of the fire fortress while collecting items from treasure chests. From the treasure chest, they got a stiletto called Nightingale, which has a recovery effect.

"This, Tatiana, please equip it. It is reassuring that not only Undine but also Tatiana can be healed."

"Yeah! I'll do my best!"

The enemy of the fire fortress recovers with Vermillion Earth Phase, so Undine fights while changing to Genbu Earth Phase with Squall.

Along the way, they also acquired Vermilion Armor, but decided not to equip it.

"The fairy said... if we equip this, we'll take a lot of damage from Aunas' hurricane sword."

As they went deeper into the fire fortress, they came across a monster made up of three serpents.

"This is... a pyrohydra... an enemy that's troublesome to hit three times in a row."

However, they were able to easily defeat it, not the enemy of Thomas who had grown so far.

"This is hydra leather... it may be used for weapons and armor development in the workshop. When I return to Pidona, I'll leave it with Nora."

Going further inside, there was an Abyss Gate.

Aunas attacked.

"Fufufu... I didn't expect the two destined children to come together... If I take the two destined children to the Abyss, I can summon the God of Destruction..."

"What! Let me do that!"

Thomas attacked Aunas with the meteor strike that the fairies had taught him.

"Gugu... don't do it... hurricane sword!"

"Is this a raging sword..."

All party members take damage.

"Tatiana! I need your help!"

Tatiana treated Thomas and others with Nightingale's "Nurse Heal".

"Drain my flames!"

Aunas fired flames.

"I'll stop it with a water pole amplified by the Demon King's Shield!"

Undine created a number of water poles reinforced with the demon king's shield to block the flames.

"Continuous fire!"

Sarah quickly fired dozens of arrows.


Eren also threw an ax to attack Aunas.

"Okay, Aunas is weak! Boy, let's use the super gravity that Anna taught us!"

Thomas and the boy use their supergravity to attack Aunas.

"Guhaa... there are two destined children in front of me..."

The illusion of Aunas vanished.

"Haa, haa, I did it... I won... All that's left is to close the Abyss Gate and it's over."

As Thomas was talking, a ghost of a man wearing a suspicious mask appeared.

"What... is this... a disembodied... translucent... monster?"

"I... was born 600 years ago...I'm a demon king...child of destiny, open the gate now."


"Boy! What's wrong? What's wrong with the boy?!"

"The Demon King enters my heart..."

"No! Don't let the Demon King manipulate you!"

The boy opened the Abyss Gate little by little with his mysterious power.

"It's bad... I have to help the boy!"

Thomas tried to jump at the boy, but was repelled by the demon king's evil thoughts.

"It's no use... my body has perished, but my thoughts remain in this world..."

From the Abyss Gate that was about to open little by little, the arm of Arakes' main body came out and began to pull the boy.

"It's bad... the boy will be taken away! Huh... Sarah!"

Sarah jumps into the Abyss Gate and tries to save the boy.

"It's no good... If the two children of destiny go over there, everything will be over!"

The boy pushed Sarah away. And the boy disappeared beyond the Abyss Gate...for some reason, the gate closed on its own accord...
