
The worst and the greatest my life

  1. Change yourself

  2. You are in control

  3. Forgive and let go

  4. Without action you are not going anywhere

  5. Take care of this moment

  6. Everyone is human

  7. Persist

  8. See the good in people and help them

  9. Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self

  10. Continue to grow and evolve

This is Gandhi's top 10 fundamentals for changing the world and these are my favourites.

Everyone should have learned from adults by elementary school age or so not to do things they don't like being done to them, but sometimes even those adults can't do it. Especially as we grow older, we tend to swear and complain more. Even if you don't say it directly, the same goes for being part of the bad talk. The same way that a person who observes someone being killed in front of him or her and sits back and observes is almost as guilty as murder.

I was in an environment that was not good for me, and maybe because I was in a place where there were a lot of people talk shit or gossips or rumour everywhere, I was sick a lot in the last year. I was really sick all the time. It seems that when you talk bad about people, it turns into poison and it takes a toll on your body. They gossiped about someone, laughed at them, and got excited. I think I was part of that before I knew it. Even though I know that it will never be leaked to the person in question, I will never, ever, ever speak bad of them or take advantage of them anymore. Because I hate it and I don't think it's the right thing to do. I don't care even if that isolates me.

Be kind to others, always smile, and never get angry. These are basic things, but we are not able to do them always.

The basics of what we do and how we live our lives are more important than anything else. We must not forget them, and we must not neglect them.

Living is difficult. But it shouldn't be difficult to be kind to others.
