
【To all Expats, ’Medical institution information that even AI can't find’】① Hunger is the best source!? AIでも探せない医療機関情報

To all expats

(Translated by ChatGPT, Modified a little by Takeshi Ide)

To all expats, I understand that adapting to a different "normal" in terms of language, culture, and other aspects can be difficult. Moreover, since the healthcare systems that could be life-saving can differ from one country to another, deciding which medical institution to visit can be a major concern.

This is not only a major issue for expats, but also for those who originally reside in the country. However, I consider it a bigger challenge especially for expats.

When I became an expat in the United States as a foreign student, I had trouble even finding information about where to get a haircut. As for medical care, I went back to Japan just to receive treatment. (Of course, when there is a General Practitioner (GP) system, there is no need to worry, but in a country with a free-access system like Japan, the problem is that there are too many options and it's hard to choose.)

I think that such information is being exchanged in closed expat groups on social media, but such information is also very valuable for future expats and the local people.
Therefore, I would like to ask something from expats.
・I would like to know about the information of your trusted doctors.

・I would like your doctors to be aware of the existence of this project.

・I would like you to share this blog with your expat groups.



しかし、EXPATの皆様にとってはさらに大きな課題だと考えております。私自身も留学生としてアメリカでEXPATになった際に散髪するときでさえ情報探しに苦労しました。そして医療についてはわざわざ日本に帰ってきて受診していたくらいですので。(もちろんGeneral Pgysisian(GP)制度があって選択肢が限られている際には悩むまでもないのですが、日本のようにフリーアクセス制の国だと選択肢が多すぎて選べないという問題が大きいのです)




Brief Summary of this project

(Translated by ChatGPT, Modified a little by Takeshi Ide)

The project aims to collect information on doctors who are recommended by other physicians for their expertise and personal qualities. Specifically, the focus is on doctors who work in local clinics rather than large hospitals. The project seeks to identify doctors who have an appropriate level of sub-specialty expertise and also possess qualities that make them trustworthy and good choices for referrals.

This information is not easily accessible online and cannot be effectively searched using AI models like ChatGPT. The project seeks to fill this gap by gathering information from physicians who have personal experience with these doctors and can provide insights into their expertise and character.


・専門性はTOO HIGHではなくAppproproateなレベル



中学生の英語の授業時に「Hunger is the best sauce.空腹は最上のソース。食事を美味しくするには空腹には敵わない」ということわざを習ったと思います。その時にはSAUCEであってSOURCEではなかったはずです。
SAUCE: 調味料のソースですね


Hunger is the best source.「(医療機関情報への)渇望が(発展への)源」






We have no problems!

(Translated by ChatGPT, Modified a little by Takeshi Ide)
Some companies may say "We have no problems!" or "We are not particularly in trouble." If they have already expanded overseas and do not plan to expand further, they may have already much information about medical institutions. However, they may need to utilize the resources of other companies when entering a new city. On the other hand, there may be companies that have already expanded to certain cities and are in need of information. Information sharing between companies is essential in such cases.


「我々は特に困っていない」という企業様も多いともいます。すでに海外進出していて進出先が増えない方であればすでに固定された医療機関情報をお持ちかもしれません。しかし、新規に進出する都市があるかもしれませんよね そういった際に他社のリソースを利用させていただくことがあるかもしれません。逆にすでに進出している都市の情報を欲している企業様があるかもしれません。そういったお互い様の情報提供が必要なのです


メッセンジャーかメール tokyoeyeasagaya@hotmail.comで連絡いただけると幸いです)

よろしければサポートお願いします。 NYAUWの活動は現在マネタイズを考えずに意義のみを追求するフェーズです。 ニッチな分野のやせ我慢プロジェクトですので お気持ちだけでも嬉しいです。