
【R/ggplot2】Visualization of the simplified effective reproduction number (Rt) of the number of new coronavirus positive cases by prefecture on a map of Japan.

I would like to visualize the increase or decrease of the number of new coronavirus positive cases in Japan at the regional level.

Therefore, I visualized the simplified effective reproduction number (Rt) of the number of new coronavirus-positive cases by R on a map of Japan by prefecture.

The simplified effective reproduction number (Rt) was calculated by the formula shown in the following page.

Generation time = 5 days

The code to create the above image is as follows.

  install.packages("pacman", dependencies=TRUE)

# okinawa zoom function https://rpubs.com/ktgrstsh/775867 
shift_okinawa <-
           col_pref = "name",
           pref_value = "Okinawa",
           geometry = "geometry",
           zoom_rate = 3,
           pos = c(4.5, 17.5)) {
    row_okinawa <- data[[col_pref]] == pref_value
    geo <- data[[geometry]][row_okinawa]
    cent <- sf::st_centroid(geo)
    geo2 <- (geo - cent) * zoom_rate + cent + pos
    data[[geometry]][row_okinawa] <- geo2
layer_autoline_okinawa <- function(
  x = c(129, 132.5, 138),
  xend = c(132.5, 138, 138),
  y = c(40, 40, 42),
  yend = c(40, 42, 46),
  size = ggplot2::.pt / 15
                    x = x,
                    xend = xend,
                    y = y,
                    yend = yend,
                    size = .pt / 15

# get data
url <- "https://covid19.mhlw.go.jp/public/opendata/newly_confirmed_cases_daily.csv"
dat_x <- readr::read_csv(url, 
                         locale = locale(encoding = "utf8"))

# plot map function
rt_map <- function(df , day = as.Date(Sys.Date() - 2), gt = 2){
  dat_l <- df %>% 
    filter(Date >= day- 15) %>% # keep only the necessary data
    pivot_longer(col = -c(Date), names_to = "name", values_to = "p") %>%
    group_by(name) %>% 
      ma7 = rollmean(p, 7L, align = "right", fill = 0),
      Rt = ma7 / lag(ma7, n = gt, default = 0, fill = 0)
    ) %>% 
    filter(., Date == day) %>% 
    mutate(Rt = ifelse(Rt >= 2.5, 2.5, Rt))
  map_df <-
    read_sf(system.file("shapes/jpn.shp", package = "NipponMap")[1],
            crs = "WGS84") %>% 
    left_join(dat_l, by = "name")
  map_g <- map_df %>%
    shift_okinawa() %>% 
    ggplot() +
    layer_autoline_okinawa() +
    geom_sf(aes(fill = Rt)) +
    scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c("#00bae9", mid = "#dde900", high = "#e90000"),
                         limits = c(0.5, 2.5), values = rescale(c(0.5, 1, 2.5)),
                         labels = c("2.5 <", "2", "1.5", "1", "< 0.5"), breaks = c(2.5, 2, 1.5, 1, 0.5)
    ) +
    labs(fill = "Rt",
         title = paste(day),
         subtitle = "Simplified effective reproduction number: Rt calculated from \nthe number of new coronavirus PCR-positive cases in Japan",
         caption = "Data retrieved from \nhttps://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/covid-19/open-data_00002.html"
         ) +
    theme_void() +
    theme(legend.position = "right")

# plot last data
day = as.Date(Sys.Date()-2)
rt_map(dat_x, day = day, gt =5)

# create gif
  for(i in 1:45){
    day = Sys.Date() - 47 + i
    rt_map(dat_x, day = day, gt =5)
}, movie.name="sample3.gif", interval = 1)

Reference sites