Unit1 Chapter2 Topic6 「〜することは…だ」の表現  A1レベル


A: How many languages do you speak?
B: I speak Japanese, English, Mandarin and a little Korean.
A: Do you speak English well?
B: Yes, I do. I speak well but I don’t understand very well.
A: And, do you speak Mandarin?
B: Yes. I speak pretty well.
A: And, do you write Mandarin?
B: Yes, I write very well.
A: What about German?
B: I read a little because it is similar to English, but I don’t understand because German people speak very fast. I speak it badly. Speaking German is very difficult for me because I don’t know words. How about you? What languages do you speak?
A: I speak a couple of languages. For example, English, Vietnamese, Indonesian…

①個数を尋ねる表現とその返答 → How many languages do you speak? 
②程度の良し悪し表現 → I speak a little Korean. / Do you speak English well? / but I don’t understand very well.
③Yes/No疑問文の作り方とその返答 → Do you speak English well? — Yes. / Yes, I do.
④前の文章の理由を説明する表現 → I don’t understand because German people speak very fast. / Speaking German is very difficult for me because I don’t know words.
⑤前の文章と逆のことを言う表現 → I speak well but I don’t understand very well. / I read a little because it is similar to English, but I don’t understand because German people speak very fast.
⑥「〜することは…だ」の表現 → Speaking German is very difficult for me because I don’t know words. (本記事で取り上げる)
⑦「何の~をする?」の表現 → What languages do you speak?

Speaking German is very difficult for me because I don’t know words.
「動詞に-ing + 目的語 + is + 形容詞.」
Speaking English is very hard for me.
Playing soccer is exciting because I love sports.
Talking with other people isn’t very fun because I’m a bit shy.
-ing /in/
hard/haːd/ → (=difficult)
play + [スポーツ] /plei/(動) → [スポーツ]をする
soccer/'sakə/ → サッカー
exciting/ek'saitin/(形) → 盛り上がる、楽しい
sport/spoːt/ → スポーツ
talk with + [人] /toːk/(動) → [人]と喋る、話す
other/'aðə/(限定詞) → 他の
people/piːpl/ → 人
isn’t/iznt/ → is not
fun/fan/(形) → 楽しい
a bit + (形) → (=a little + (形))
shy/ʃai/ (形) → 恥ずかしがり屋の

