
Review3: How to Live Before You Die






今回はみんなが知っているAppleを作った方、「Steve Jobs」のスピーチを観てレビューを書きました。


I watched a speech called "How to Live Before You Die by Steve Jobs". Steve Jobs talked 3 stories about his life. The first story was about "connecting the dots", the second story was about "love and loss" and the last story was about "death".

The first story was about connecting the dots. He started talking about the start of his life. When he was born, his mother was a non-graduated student. She wanted a girl but the baby was a boy. So his parents got a call in the midnight. And they said “We got an expected baby boy; do you want him?”.

The second story was about love and loss. When he turned 30 years old, he got fired. "How can you get fired from a company you started?" He didn’t know what to do for a few months. He started a company called NeXT but Apple bought that company, so he got back in the Apple. Laurene(his wife) and Jobs had a wonderful family.

The last story was about death. A year later, he was diagnosed with cancer, and he was expected to live less than 3 months to 6 months. But later the doctors cried because it was curable. "The doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery." He had a surgery and he is fine. He was very thankful.

As a conclusion, I think Steve Jobs was very lucky person because he got back to Apple and his pancreas was curable. He wished himself to "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish", so he wants us to stay hungry, stay foolish.





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