
Review2: The world's English mania






マニアについて話しているJay Walkerという方のスピーチを観てレビューを書きました。


Jay Walker talked about manias. We have manias for everything. He talked about few manias. He talked about Chinese people who are trying to learn English. And how we can use English.

He said that there are many manias. “Historical teenagers, crying, screaming, pandemonium, sports mania, religious mania”. He thinks that manias can be good, alarming and deadly.

He said that the world has a new mania. It is a mania for learning English. Chinese students practice English by screaming. Two billion people are trying to learn English. In China, 80 million people had already taken a 3 days test called “gaokao”. If you speak English, you would be able to pay for school or eat better food.

Mathematics is a language for science, music is a language for emotion, so English is going to be a language for “Opportunity”. You can use English to solve world’s problem like Global Warming. He says that “And now English is becoming the language of problem-solving. Not because America is pushing it, but because the world is pulling it. So English mania is a turning point.”

As a conclusion, we have manias for everything. So we need a mania for problem solving. That’s why he said in the speech that English is going to be a language for problem solving.





太郎です。15歳です。 ニュージーランドに住んでいます。 100円でも良いので投げ銭お願いします!