
Counter-evidences for Kusunoki Sio's 'scandal': Translated posts from 5ch

Vtuber Kusunoki Sio has been accused of trolling on 5ch and been under fierce attack by her haters. The cause of the scandal is that there were posts with IP address shown, which appeared to be the same as Sio's. Unlike fingerprints, IP address cannot be a strong evidence to identify a person because IP address overlapping has been prevailed due to the depletion of IPv4 and extensive use of Carrier Grade NAT routers by the ISPs. In other words, same IP address does not necessary mean the same person, or even from the same network

The aim of this document is to point out the contradiction against the accusation on Sio being the one who posted all these comments on 5ch. Due to the large number of comments written by this IP address, those comments that are worth to have a look were summarized and translated. (Full translations are here: https://note.com/tamonmaru/n/n9ee454ecf41a)

1. Dubious first comment

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 41ec-30iA [])
2020/04/20(月) 07:16:05.04 ID:EnbSI3io0

“I’m Kusunoki Sio, but what are you guys fussing about? Is there something new?”

Note: This was the first ever comment posted with this IP address. If you do not have an evil intention to troll, you will keep your identity hidden instead of putting down your name straight away in your first comment with your IP address shown.

2. Comment in the middle of FPS playing (1)

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 99ec-2+Ho [])
2020/05/11(月) 22:49:39.80 ID:Ozhvwz7K0

“Sio is playing like a solo-player. She is not used to co-op play.”

Note: This comment was posted right in the middle of an APEX collaboration live with Amamiya Kokoro and Naraka. At the moment of the post (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwu3iXQ0DeU&t=2973s), She was continuously moving her mouse pointer.

3. Ignorance of Sio's schedule

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 45ec-fven [])
2020/06/28(日) 02:34:51.68 ID:lO/JQ64q0

“There will be no streaming from Sio tomorrow. By the fact that she erased the scheduled time from her Twitter name.”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 45ec-fven [])
2020/06/28(日) 02:36:14.29 ID:lO/JQ64q0

“Sio simply put a mahjong emoji next to her Twitter name. Sorry for jumping to a wrong conclusion too early.”

Note: This person had no idea whether Sio would stream next day or not.

4. Ignorance of Sio's restricting contract

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ニククエW 45ec-fven [])
2020/06/29(月) 19:47:46.40 ID:HRoifM080NIKU


“Sio cannot do a stream on live of her drawing because her PC does not have enough USB ports. She hesitates to play a guitar on stream but the time to do that is very limited as she cannot play music at night. That’s all.”

Note: On July 3, Sio revealed in her Niconico live stream that she is prohibited to show herself drawing on live due to the contract with “her previous company”, presumably Appland/.Live. This person seems to have no idea about the restricting contract at all.

5. Ignorance of Sio's streaming policy

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 45ec-fven [])
2020/06/30(火) 05:16:59.71 ID:Y3S2IaVZ0

“Sio won’t use TwitCasting unless there is another Youtube error, will she?”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 45ec-fven [])
2020/06/30(火) 05:31:02.43 ID:Y3S2IaVZ0

“I thought Sio was saying she won’t use TwitCasting after the debut of the 3D model. If I’m wrong, sorry about that.”

Note: Sio kept on using TwitCasting even after the debut of her 3D model. This person had no idea what Sio had been doing.

6. Comments immediately after a hearing-loss incident

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW e1ec-3Jm0 [])
2020/07/05(日) 05:25:39.47 ID:X8iEiZni0

“There are people who blame Sio instead of caring about her. Are they Sio’s haters?”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW e1ec-3Jm0 [])
2020/07/05(日) 05:28:11.69 ID:X8iEiZni0

“It could be a bad ear ringing, which you get when you put on an earphone for too long.”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW e1ec-3Jm0 [])
2020/07/05(日) 05:29:42.42 ID:X8iEiZni0

“Did Sio go to the bathroom?”

Note: From 7pm July 4th to 5am July 5th, Sio had been doing an enduring Mahjong live stream. At 5:20am, she found herself having a sudden hearing loss and thus stopped the stream. The three comments above were posted immediately after she stopped streaming. It’s unlikely that Sio or her family would post these comments under such emergency situation.

7. Comments in the middle of FPS play (2)

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ b5ec-Bqa1 [])
2020/07/13(月) 21:28:04.81 ID:NKjDMSFI0

“They are good friends.” (https://youtu.be/mbJnsv9dPwk?t=1682)

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ b5ec-Bqa1 [])
2020/07/13(月) 21:32:52.05 ID:NKjDMSFI0

“Quite often that Ichinose isn’t listening to others’ talking.” (https://youtu.be/mbJnsv9dPwk?t=1971)

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ b5ec-Bqa1 [])
2020/07/13(月) 21:58:44.10 ID:NKjDMSFI0

“Does she like curry?” (https://youtu.be/mbJnsv9dPwk?t=3523)

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ b5ec-Bqa1 [])
2020/07/13(月) 22:45:33.24 ID:NKjDMSFI0

“They are quite frank to each other.” (https://youtu.be/mbJnsv9dPwk?t=6335)

Note: These four comments were posted in the middle of the APEX collaboration live stream with Tokoyami Towa and Ichinose Uruha. You can see how Sio were actively playing at the moment of the posts from the links next to the translations.

8. Comments when Sio was away from home

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ 3dec-sTnA [])
2020/07/16(木) 20:21:55.52 ID:GheDzDTI0

“(Sio will collaborate with) Ui, the stronger one.”
Note: Ui here means Shigure Ui, an illustrator & Youtuber.

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ 3dec-sTnA [])
2020/07/16(木) 21:14:25.62 ID:GheDzDTI0


Note: These two posts above contradicted with where Sio was on this day, July 16th, as she was far away home and was in Tokyo. Almost at the same moment this day, Sio made two tweets below:


"My laptop is extremely low-spec that typing a word requires five seconds, which irritates me. I have no choice but to play Spider Solitaire."

https://twitter.com/Sio_Kusunoki/status/1283730729281572864 (8:50 PM · Jul 16, 2020)

いろいろ打ち合わせしたり1日がんばったぞ… 明日は逆転裁判!!めっちゃたのしみ……
待っててね~ おやすみ

"I could not stream today, but I had several business meetings and did my best whole day. I will play Gyakuten Saiban tomorrow. Looking forward to it! Please wait for a while. Good night."
https://twitter.com/Sio_Kusunoki/status/1283733084676878336 (8:59 PM · Jul 16, 2020)

Note: These tweets indicated that Sio has been away from home on this day and had to use a laptop to tweet as she surely couldn’t use use her desktop at home. That means those comments on 5ch cannot be possibly sent by herself. Sio was in Yostar’s studio, which located in Tokyo for the Ten x Kusu program live stream on July 15 and she seemed to stay in Tokyo the next day for business meetings. Therefore, it was impossible for her to post a comment with the same IP on 5ch.

9. Comments in the middle of mahjong play

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ 3dec-sTnA []) 2020/07/18(土) 22:16:47.29 ID:6xWjc/110

“Sio is getting teased. lol”

Note: This comment was posted when Sio was playing mahjong with Murasaki Shion. At the moment of the post (https://youtu.be/Pinh9t6FaPY?t=883), Sio was playing mahjong without a break and you can see her mouse pointer was continuously moving.


Regarding the comments with the IP address, Kusunoki Sio has been accused of information leak. As long as these posts were posted by a different person, it is meaningless to dispel the suspicion, but we would show as below that those comments did not contain any secret information, thus no leak was made.

1. Counter-evidence for 'private information leak' 

On 5ch, people had been talking about a rumor that a Vtuber once was a Niconico Live personality. During the discussion, the person with the IP address posted an entry on Niconico Wiki of the personality. Based on this comment, Sio has been accused by her haters of leaking private information of a Vtuber. However, as you can see below, the person with the IP address simply posted a publicly-open webpage, which was about the very personality. Therefore, there was no leak in the first place. (The name of the personality is masked to avoid spreading inappropriate information.)

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ eea1-32x/ [])2020/05/16(土) 06:07:01.43ID:yxx1rsYD0>>

“A***-chan disappeared from Niconico Live and Twitter from May 2018.”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ a1b1-QQMO [ [上級国民]])2020/05/16(土) 06:08:46.79ID:veg4nUCw0

“Who is A***? Stop publicizing unrelated person.”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW ab44-EUbT [])2020/05/16(土) 06:10:08.89ID:sY/lF+Zc0

"A*** seemed to be interested in KanColle. That means..."

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイ 1fec-uRPb [])
2020/05/16(土) 06:10:31.75 ID:JU9yjIhx0

“What is this?” (showing the link to Niconico Wiki page titled 'A***')


2. Conter-evidence for "manga author leak"

Sio has been accused that she had leaked the name of the manga author of her own manga. However, as shown in the posts below, the name of the author was easily deduced from the follow list of Sio's Twitter and erased tweets of the manga author himself. Not to mention, these comments were making only pure assumptions, instead of “leaking”.

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 23ec-UG0K [])
2020/06/09(火) 11:15:57.41 ID:A5QhiYAk0

“I think I found the most probable candidate of the author for Sio’s manga. He said on his tweet that he applied for the manga author and deleted his tweet. Sio also follows him on Twitter.”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 23ec-UG0K [])
2020/06/09(火) 11:20:12.98 ID:A5QhiYAk0




https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)

“I think (the manga author) is probably him. Or with less possibility, these people.”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 23ec-UG0K [])
2020/06/09(火) 11:21:07.41 ID:A5QhiYAk0

“I think that is unlikely. I’m thinking of Fujieda Miyabi.”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 23ec-UG0K [])
2020/06/09(火) 11:22:15.99 ID:A5QhiYAk0

“The first two people are experienced (in serialization of manga), in case you don’t know”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 23ec-UG0K [])
2020/06/09(火) 11:23:41.20 ID:A5QhiYAk0

“The first one has great experiences (in manga serialization) and he has about 20 volumes of manga published.”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 23ec-UG0K [])
2020/06/09(火) 11:37:22.12 ID:A5QhiYAk0

“This guy could also be a possible candidate, but he is writing teen’s love manga.”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 23ec-UG0K [])
2020/06/09(火) 11:40:13.91 ID:A5QhiYAk0

“I don’t know if it’s true, but the reason (why Fujieda once cancelled a serialization) was related to his sickness, right?”

名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 (ワッチョイW 23ec-UG0K [])
2020/06/09(火) 11:44:26.26 ID:A5QhiYAk0

“I found out that he is an old fan (of Yozakura Tama) from his older tweets.”


In conclusion, the person with the IP address is nothing more than Sio's enthusiastic fan, who does not know any secret information about her. The person posted comments when Sio was on Youtube Live and when Sio was away from home. IP addresses are not fingerprints. You cannot accuse someone based on unreliable evidences.