
LinguaLive 20200520 CNN 10 Script

We’re Going Globetrotting Today To Report On What’s Reopening And What Isn’t In Other Countries; New Theories About Famous Dinosaurs Featured

CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Get your passport ready, CNN 10 is traveling around the world today to give you a sense of where different countries are in their responses(反応)to coronavirus. I’m your tour guide Carl Azuz. It’s great to have you watching. 

First stop is in South Korea where schools are supposed to start reopening on Tuesday. It didn’t happen though. The government postponed those plans for another week after a flare(突発) up of coronavirus cases in the nation’s capital. They were linked to a number of nightclubs in a district of Seoul. Dozens of people who visited them got sick. 

Moving now to the United Kingdom, that country’s been under lockdown for more than six weeks and Prime Minister Boris Johnson has just laid out(展開した)a plan to start reopening Britain. It’s not going to happen fast. Starting Wednesday, people will be allowed to exercise outside again or relax on park benches. Workers are encouraged to continue doing their jobs from home but if they can’t they are allowed to return to the office. 

On the European continent, coronavirus cases continue to decrease in Germany so it continues to open up more places. Restaurants and cafes will welcome customers across Germany this week but the country’s Center for Disease Controls says it’s possible that the virus could pick up speed again in its spread. And Prime Minister Angela Merkel says if there’s another spike(急上昇)in cases, the lockdown could return. 

People in Spain still aren’t allowed to travel across their country but they are increasingly able to get out and about in their home regions. Churches, stores and outdoor dining areas in about half the nation have begun reopening though they have to limit the number of people who gather there. Beaches and nightclubs in the Island of Evita have reopened but not to tourists yet. The island’s president says if people from other parts of Spain want to travel there, they’ll have to wait until this summer at least and they may have to be tested for COVID-19 before they’re allowed on the island.(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)

DAVID CULVER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is a strange contrast as some cities in China are going on lockdown. You’ve got places like this, Shanghai Disneyland reopened. CNN getting rare access to what it took to pull this off(成し遂げる). Welcome into Shanghai Disneyland where we are getting a sneak peak(覗き見)of what the new operations are going to look like for this park and reopening three and a half months after they had to shutdown because of the novel coronavirus outbreak here in China. Now normally when you’re in the park as they reopen, you’re going to have to wear a mask. We’ll take ours off because the crowd isn’t in just yet. But as you can see the preparations are underway(進行中で). They’ve used this time to rethink how they’re going to have people coming in safely, keeping that social distance and avoiding any sort of contact not only with each other but also with cast members. So, it’s going to have things looking a little bit differently. I’m going to take you outside the park to show you how we got in with Senior Vice-President of Operations Andrew Bolstein.

ANDREW BOLSTEIN, SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT OF OPERATIONS OF SHANGHAI DISNEYLAND: We ask our guests to do a few things now differently than before. One is that we ask everyone of our guests to have temperature screening as they arrive here at the resort. We also ask them to show their QR code, which is a Shanghai specific health code. We put a little more structure descaling and markers in place. So, these are very clear. Don’t stand here and then you stand in the blank spaces in between. As always we require a government ID to redeem(買い戻す)your tickets at the entrance. But we’re also going to be capturing government ID information for every guest that comes into the park not just one per party as part of the traceability(突き止められること)measures that we have in place now per the government guidelines.

CULVER: Give us an idea, I mean as we’re walking through what folks will notice that’s different? One thing that stands out to me is the constant sanitation(衛生).

BOLSTEIN: Yes. So, we have a very dedicated(献身的な)team of custodial(保護の)cleaners that we’ve even increased the numbers of those throughout the park that are constantly wiping down all the surfaces.

CULVER: And - - and noticing that big parade go by, obviously a distance but you can still see the characters.


CULVER: Not the big hug and high fives. Right?

BOLSTEIN: Exactly. More of a selfie moment and take the photos but again it gives the guests that ability to have an emotional moment and that connection.

CULVER: As you’re walking along the line here, you’ll notice places you can stop and the places you need to keep a distance. Then eventually you make it to the attractions. Notice this, I want to point this out. If I go into number one, normally you have number two to go into. They’ve got it roped off. Stepping off the ride, the new normal and they’ve got several more along the way out.

BOLSTEIN: As for the guests understanding for you health and safety, the table’s unavailable. So basically you’re asking the guests not to sit here. Sit there and again creates, kind of, that separation between all the different parties.

CULVER: Safe spacing even before the performances. This is one of the stages. Look here in the crowd. Pick a box. That’s where you and your family unit will stand keeping that distance.

BOLSTEIN: We’ll be able to strike that right balance between the safety and health and confidence side and then the magic that we’re able to deliver everyday.

CULVER: Do you feel in many ways that not only other parts of the company are - - are looking here and other parks hopefully, you know, are going to be reopening? But maybe even other companies saying, let me see how they’re doing it. Maybe this could help us reopen too.

BOLSTEIN: Every where’s a little bit different though. There’s different regulations. There’s different environments. People are at different phases of the epidemic but I think what we have can be a model. Hopefully some inspiration for them and they’ll adapt it for what their local conditions are.

CULVER: Something with the other operators around the world.

BOLSTEIN: We communicate and share. In this type of environment where we want to focus on safety and health, that’s an area we all share together.

CULVER: We decided to end our day in "Tomorrowland". The reality is the future is uncertain and not only here in China but across much of the world. And places like this, well they operate a little bit differently than we’re used to. You wear the face masks. You’ve got to keep that social distance. You still find it to be an escape from the noise of the rest of the world and a place to soak in the joy. David Culver, CNN, Shanghai Disneyland.(END VIDEO CLIP)

AZUZ: 10 Second Trivia. What is the largest living lizard in the world? Marine Iguana, Monitor lizard, Komodo dragon or Gila monster. "Komodon’t you know" it’s the Komodo dragon which can grow to a length of 10 feet and a weight of 300 pounds.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It’s a Velociraptor(ヴェロキラプトル).(SCREAMING)


AZUZ: OK. On first glance this is weird. Hey, it’s a cute little squirrel having a cute little snack. Next to some cute little bottles of raisins, ketchup and oatmeal. OK. Thankfully there’s an explanation. It’s art. A student at Carnegie Mellon University was inspired by children’s books of the idea of squirrels doing stuff people do. So for an art project, she made tiny kitchen sets, tea sets and a desk with a notebook computer and an acorn on it and recorded squirrels hanging out nearby. Needless to say, she got an A. Now critics might say it was a little "nutty". Maybe a little too "acorny". Maybe a little too "tree to life" but if you had gathered that much talent "rodent" you want to show people and not "squirrel" it away. Beatrix Potter called and she says you should share it with the whole wide "squirrel". I’m Carl Azuz. Puerto Rico Christian School is watching today from Peru. Hello to all of our viewers in Lima. That’s a wrap for CNN.

