LinguaHackers Note


LinguaHackers Note




Lv3 Economy B: Recession

For millennia(何千年), the people of Britain had been using bronze to make tools and jewelry, and as a currency for trade. But around 800 BCE, that began to change: the value of bronze declined, causing social upheaval(大変動)and an economic cris

    • Lv3 Economy A: Doughnut Economy

      What does it mean for a country to have a healthy economy? What does a healthy economy even look like? Does it look like this? What about like this? Economist Kate Raworth shared a pretty interesting answer to this question on the TED Inter

      • Lv3 Sports B: Surfing

        For some, it's a serious sport. For others, just a way to let loose. But despite its casual association with fun and sun, surfing has a richer and deeper history than many realize. What we today call surfing originated in the Polynesian i

        • Lv3 Sports A: Sports Science

          The victory of the underdog(勝ち目のない人)over the favorite team, the last minute penalty shot that wins the tournament, the high-energy training montages(モンタージュ). Many people love to glorify(美化する)victory on the playing field, cheer for favorite

        Lv3 Economy B: Recession


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          Lv3 Animal_A Penguin

          Penguins have long captured the imagination and the hearts of the people the world over. But while popular culture depicts them clumsy, adorable birds with endlessly abundant populations, the truth is that penguins are exceedingly graceful,

          Lv3 Animal_A Penguin

          Lv3 Animal B: Hibernation

          Onboard(船内での)the spacecraft, the astronauts preset(あらかじめセットしておく)the timer, enclose(閉じ込める)themselves in capsules, and fall into a deep hibernation(冬眠)that'll carry them several hundred years into the future. This is a familiar scene in man

          Lv3 Animal B: Hibernation

          Lv3 History A: Punishment

          The constant thud(ドサっという音)underneath your feet, the constrained(束縛された) space, and the monotony(単調さ)of going nowhere fast. It feels like hours gone by, but it's only been eleven minutes, and you wonder, "Why am I torturing myself? This thin

          Lv3 History A: Punishment

          Lv3 Rules B : Human Rights

          The idea of human rights is that each one of us, no matter who we are or where we are born, is entitled to the same basic rights and freedoms. Human rights are not privileges and they cannot be granted or revoked(無効にされる). They are inalienab

          Lv3 Rules B : Human Rights

          Lv.3 Design B_Geometry

          In Islamic culture, geometry is everywhere. You can find it in mosques, madrasas, palaces and private homes. This tradition began in the 8th century CE during the early history of Islam, when craftsmen took preexisting motifs from Roman and

          Lv.3 Design B_Geometry

          Lv3. House B_Tree

          This is the tale of two ancient cities and the trees that determined their destinies. In 3000 BC, Uruk was more densely populated than modern day New York City. This crowded capital had to continually expand their irrigation(灌漑) system to f

          Lv.3 House A_Igloo

          For thousands of years, humans, and plants and animals, long before that, have been using frozen “sky water” to keep warm, which sort of doesn’t make sense. Because snow is cool. You might even say its.. ice cold. No one knows for sure wh

          Lv3. Business B_Pyramid Scheme

          In 2004, a new company called Vemma Nutrition started offering a life-changing opportunity to earn full-time income for part-time work. Vemma’s offer was open to everybody, regardless of prior experience or education. There were only two st

          Lv3. Business B_Pyramid Scheme

          Lv3 Business_Overbooking

          Have you ever sat in a doctor's office for hours despite having an appointment at a specific time? Has a hotel turned down your reservation because it's full? Or have you been bumped off a flight that you paid for? These are all symptoms of

          Lv3 Business_Overbooking

          Lv3. People B_Marriage

          There have been many different things written and said about marriage. From the sweetly inspirational(刺激を与えてくれる)to the hilarious cynical(皮肉な). But what many of them have in common is that they sound like they express a universal and timeles

          Lv3. People B_Marriage

          Lv.3 People A_Role Model

          We all know that there are certain virtues that are good for us. Intelligence, wisdom, bravery, justice, respect, responsibility, honesty, unselfishness, patience, and perseverance(忍耐強さ)always have been and always will be positive virtues.

          Lv.3 People A_Role Model

          Lv3. Health_B Yoga

          At some point between the 1st and 5th century CE, the Hindu(ヒンドゥー人の)sage(賢人)Patañjali began to codify(体系化する)the ancient, meditative(瞑想の)traditions practiced throughout India. He recorded techniques nearly as old as Indian civilization itsel