Talk Series #1 English Summary

Ask Mr. Nakamura from Furaishachu Independent living, with care for people with severe intellectual disabilities ‘Transit Yard, the record of Gen-chan’ Screening and Talk in Hamamatsu

A young man with severe intellectual disabilities started living independently from his family. Now he lives in a shared house called Transit Yard with the help of public care. A documentary film “Transit Yard, the record of Gen-chan'' was screened and the film portrays a new way of life for people with intellectual disabilities through interaction with people who gathered in an event space in the downstairs portion of the house. We asked several questions of Mr. Nakamura; he has been involved in Gen-chan’s independence as a supporter. Why is he promoting independent living? How can we understand and support the decision making process in people with severe intellectual disabilities? What are the substantial adjustments and negotiations when a person with severe disabilities launches an independent life?

Guest: Kazutoshi Nakamura (Chair Person of Non Profit Organisation Furaishachu and Web Magazine IKETAMA)
Interviewer: Yuichi Sasaki (Approved Specified Non Profit Organisation Creative Suppor t Let’s)

Event Report (in Japanese) is here.

English Translation: Utako Shibatsuji-Prerrin, Michael Smith-Welch
