My Method to Enjoy Studying English

I like English itself, for it has interesting structures compared to Japanese, which is my mother language. However, I am not so interested in the cultures in the countries where English is spoken. Some people seem quite interested in it, and that would be the reason why they study English through what has been produced in English, such as movies and TV programs -- interestingly, I know few people who study English with novels written in English, come to think of it. 

Anyway, since I have no interest in the culture, which may be bad, it is in Japan where my interest in English began -- the trains. It was the trains in Japan that made me interested in English. When I was four or five years old, I worked as a child actor, because of which I had so many opportunities to take trains to go to studios or any other places related to it that I came to remember what was spoken on trains as a train announcement. However, at that time, it was just a mimic of sounds, for I had never studied English and had no knowledge of it. 
It was not until I was a third grader in junior high school that I could relate what I had studied there to the train announcements, which I still loved. I was shocked when I heard the announcement on the Minatomirai Line, which runs in Yokohama, using the auxiliary "should," for it was the first time that I could find the connection between the textbook and what I am interested in -- trains. Another thing I could relate to in the train announcement was the preposition "in" having the object  "direction," which phrase has been used on Tokyo Metro Lines, saying "Passengers heading in the direction of~."

As I wrote in another article, I believe grammar is essential in studying a foreign language. However, a lot of people seem to hate it, unfortunately. Some people say such knowledge is of no use -- I doubt such people have enough knowledge of grammar. One way to overcome this challenge could be to connect what you have studied in your textbook with what you can see in your daily lives, which can easily be achieved if you are interested in the trains, where sentences, as well as voice samples in English, are unlimited! You can find your favorite announcer through the train announcement, which, to me, is Kamei Sheena Sayoko. Looking for your 'fave' may be another way to study English while enjoying, for by just enjoying imitating his or her pronunciation, you can improve your pronunciation in English. Currently, it is Raja Pradhan, who can be seen in NHK NEWSLINE at night every other week, that is my fave, as well as Kamei Sheena Sayoko.

In short, my methods to enjoy studying English is these two things: one is to relate what you have studied in your textbook with your daily lives, especially what you like or are interested in; the other is to find your favorite English speaker and immitate them. What is your way to enjoy studying English or any other language? 

