
#37 銀箔がない銀閣寺がいい


Ginkakuji, Temple of the Silver Pavilion, was a villa Ashikaga Yoshimasa, the eighth shogun of the Ashikaga line, built for himself. He was only eight years old when he became shogun, a top leader of samurai after his father and brother were dead. He was at the mercy of human relations around him so he was not able to exercise his politically management skill as an excellent leader. It was not said that he was a competent politician, but he played a very important part in fostering Japanese arts. 
The garden in Ginkakuji  temple is breathtakingly beautiful. The steps are covered with moss on both sides. I feel refreshed while walking through the route in a moss carpet. 


Although Kinkaku, the Golden Pavilion, is coated with gold, Ginkaku is not covered with silver. One story says that Yoshimasa wanted to imitate the Golden Pavilion built by his grandfather, Yoshimitsu, and cover its exterior in silver leaf, but he couldn't realize his plan due to financial difficulties. But recent study showed that originally he didn't have any plan to use silver leaf to cover this pavilion. It found out that its exterior and interior were covered with black lacquer, not silver leaf. ”Ginkaku" was not named by Yoshimasa. Actually, people in after ages called it the Silver pavilion. 


It is said that the Temple of the Silver Pavilion expresses "Wabi Sabi". "Wabi" and "Sabi" is Japanese sensibilities that find beauty in fragilities and imperfections. Ginkaku symbolizes the simple Higasiyama culture that had developed in the eastern side of Kyoto, as opposed to Kinkaku which symbolises gorgeous Kitayama culture that had developed in the northern part of Kyoto. I think Yoshimasa wanted this pavilion to be based on original teaching from Zen Buddhism. 


You can see the mountain of sand called Kogetsudai and the white sand with waves called "Ginshadan". This silvery white sand represents emptiness as well as transcendence from the ordinary world. This white sand is special product in Kyoto and reflects light well. It is said that the Ginshadan reflects the moonlight and the reflected light is cast on the ceiling of the Silver Pavilion and illuminates the whole garden. 

