







 Einstein was a student who was dismissed as "unpromising" by his teachers. The main reason, it seems, was that he was disruptive to harmony and unable to follow social rules. The book says that once he became fascinated by the invisible power of magnets, he ignored what his teachers taught him and continued to ask questions and think.

 Even in the examination industry, super-advanced schools such as Kaisei and Nada are known for their liberal school culture. Kyoto University is also said to have many students who are indifferent to rules and regulations. The same tendency can be seen at my cram school. If the problem books assigned by the school's teachers do not suit me, I do not use them. Specifically, assignments and homework should be copied with the answers. For classes that are not useful, work inside. Some students refused to attend school and moved to free schools or correspondence high schools.

 Nobunaga Oda was a rule-breaker, and Ryoma Sakamoto was busy in the east to destroy the system of the Edo period. The reason is that the old traditions and rules stood in the way of social progress.

 Japanese schools have an unusually high level of "peer pressure. Therefore, GAFA cannot be born from Japanese society. Whenever anyone tries to do something different or new, they are all on one side to beat him or her up. Too many people think that it is the right thing to do to squash new buds.

2023年度 大阪大学「医学部」3名                       
2022年度 京都大学「医学部」 京都大学「経済学部」
2021年度 京都大学「理学部」 京都大学「経済学部」
2020年度 京都大学「工学部」2名 

