「2秒で腹壊すよ!」女子高生が寒くても生足なのは校則のせい? “指定の靴下以外は禁止”の理不尽な校則を漫画家が批判
'How do you expect a man to know? Criticism in practice!" --. Manga artist Masayuki Ishikawa tweeted that the reason why many high school girls do not wear tights and other clothing even in winter may be due to the school rules at his high school. His voice, filled with anger because he experienced it firsthand, received a huge response.
How long are we going to talk about black school rules? I know Japan can't change itself without external pressure, but it's too much...is Japan a nation of slaves who can't even wear warm socks when the once-in-a-decade cold wave comes?
Why does the principal even have a say in the clothing of his students? Why does the vice principal have such authority? Since when are school boards not criticized for trampling on students' basic human rights? What will they do if a student catches a cold and dies?