
経費でコンパニオンと混浴44回、漫画も購入 元中小企業庁長官の「1100万円使い込み」報告書に集まる驚き





「どうしても子を産むなら、わいせつな動画をインターネット上に拡散する」などと言って脅し、中絶手術を強要した。被害者は、容疑者のかつての教え子。容疑者は既婚者と報じられています。容疑者は、古文の単語等の語呂合わせ記憶法を紹介する参考書「ゴロゴ」シリーズの著者として有名なカリスマ講師でしたが、逮捕報道に加えて新たな疑惑も浮上しています。古文の「ゴロゴ13」で人気だったのですが、ほかの古文の先生の語呂合わせをパクッて印税をたくさん稼いだ『盗人』で、講師の方々は彼と距離を置いていました。                               (文◎星野純連)




ormer Small and Medium Enterprise Agency Director Gets Surprised by Report of "11 Million Yen Misuse" of Expense Funds
 On December 15, a special investigative committee of outside experts released a report on the improper use of expenses by the former president of Tokai Holdings (headquartered in Shizuoka City), an LP gas and other business enterprise.

 Director Katsuhiko Tokita. I feel too sorry for the family of the president, who was reported around the world as "the president who took a mixed bath with a companion. But it is too shameful to take 44 baths with young oneechan with other people's money. No, I guess these gentlemen have no sense of shame.

 Scandals continue to appear in the cram school and prep school industries, though.

A charismatic teacher at a prep school who forced her students to have abortions.

 He forced his student to have an abortion by threatening to spread obscene videos on the Internet if she insisted on having the child. The victim is a former student of the suspect. The suspect is reportedly married. The suspect was a charismatic instructor famous as the author of the "Gorogo" series of reference books on memorizing ancient Japanese words and other phrases, but new allegations have surfaced in addition to the arrest report. He was popular for his "Gorogo 13" in the classical Japanese literature, but lecturers distanced themselves from him because he was a "thief" who earned a lot of royalties by taking down the word lists of other classical Japanese literature teachers.                               (Text by Junren Hoshino)

 Whether it is a president or a popular lecturer, when you are as famous as a celebrity and have a lot of money coming in, you do the same thing. They destroy themselves with sexual desire and greed. People are like that in every country and in every age.

 I won't mention his real name for the sake of a samurai's mercy, but one of my acquaintances also had his hands on one of his students. What is reported in the media is just the tip of the iceberg. The ones who get caught are just not good at what they do. If you beat them, dust will come out.
