





Interesting call outs for how one of the best managers in the world and his assistant started with Sportscode half way down this article...


“When Mauricio started he had to do everything on his own. It’s not like now where you have 10 analysts. He bought a camera, a Mac computer, he bought Sportscode which is very expensive analysis software,” he explained.


“Here maybe we have 100 licences but at that time he paid for it and it was maybe 7,000 euros. He paid for a course for this guy to go and learn and the guy came back and said I’ve got an offer from Barcelona and I’m leaving!


“Mauricio was upset. He’d made investment to improve the analysis and was looking to do real-time analysis during matches. Now that’s very common, but back then in Spain he was probably the first or the second to do it.”


He added: “He noticed me every day there doing analysis, using Sportscode. The reason the guy who left knew Sportscode was because three years ago I told him he needed to look at it!


“Mauricio asked me: ‘Can you join us and help us with analysis, and then I want you to travel with us and at half-time in matches I want you to give your opinion and images’.


“This is how our relationship started, doing methodology support to the academy coaches and at the weekend doing the matches with them and analysis.


“Then three months later he said I want you to be on the pitch. He wanted me on the bench with him and it started from there.”




