
おうちであそぼう!ジャンプ編 from TAKA-キッズ運動クラブ-


English is below...






1. なぜ子どもにとって運動することは大切なの?
2. グーパージャンプ
3. トンネルジャンプ
4. 連続ジャンプ
5. まとめ

1. なぜ子どもにとって運動することは大切なの?


• 骨や筋肉の発達
• 基礎的な運動能力の発達
• 認知能力

• 骨や筋肉の発達

• 基礎的な運動能力の発達

• 認知能力

2. グーパージャンプ

① 親は足を開いて、真ん中に子どもを立たせます。
② 子どもと手をつなぎます。
③ 「グー・パー」の合図で足を交互に開脚と閉脚を繰り返す。
④ 子どもが飽きない程度に何度も取り組みましょう!


3. トンネルジャンプ

① 親はうつ伏せに寝転がって、子どもは横に立つ。
② 親はお尻をあげトンネルを作る(腕立て伏せの姿勢)。(ア)
③ 子どもはトンネルをくぐる。(イ)
④ 親はお尻を下げお腹を床につける。(ウ)
⑤ 子どもは親の上をジャンプして跳び越す。(エ)
⑥ (ア)→(イ)→(ウ)→(エ)を繰り返す。


4. 連続ジャンプ

① 縄を用意する。(タオルをつなぎ合わせて代用できます)
② ドアノブや手すりなどに縄の片方をくくりつけ、反対側を親が持つ。
③ 子どもは縄の真ん中に立ち、親は波を右へ左へ揺らしていく。
④ 子どもは縄がきたらジャンプして跳び越す。


5. まとめ


Hello, everyone

My name is Taka.

How do you spend time in your home recently?
Many people are under the necessity to stay home due to COVID-19. I know many of us have been frustrated about this situation. And also, it is hard for children to be limited to play outside and acquire sufficient physical activity to gain the opportunity of physical activity.

Let’s play with kids at home!!!
In this note,
I would like to share some ideas about easy exercise for children and parent to promote enjoyable life at home!

1. Why is physical activity (play) important for children?
2. Gu-Pa-Jump
3. Tunnel Jump
4. Continuous Jump

2. Why is physical activity (play) important for children?
Children develop the essential skills for the activities of daily life through playing (physical activity). In the development of self-consciousness, children begin to be interested in something around them. The interest often connects to physical activity. For example, children attempt to crawl on their hands and knees to move their body to reach the target stuff that they are interested in. This physical movement is one of the examples of physical activity. Children need to be free to move around based on their interest.

Increasing the experience of various kinds of physical activities strengthen children’s fundamental motor ability. However, some parents think that they don’t want their child to be an athlete in the future. But I would like to mention that physical activity is useful for not only generating athletes but also for generating amazing children. All children need to play for their body and mental development.

• Development of bones and muscles
• Fundamental motor skill development
• Cognitive skill

• Development of bones and muscles
Adequate physical activity strengthens bones and muscles of children. And children can gain flexible muscles with low risk of injury. But we need to be careful to give too many burdens to children. Physical development can be prevented due to overwork if children are forced to do physical activity that adults normally conduct. So, children need to play enjoyable with adequate physical activity.

• Fundamental motor skill development
Fundamental motor skills are often separated into two skills that are locomotor skills (walk, run, jump, hop) and object-control skills (throw, catch, hit, kick). Children develop 90% of the nervous system until six years old, and motor skills can be developed rapidly in early ages.

• Cognitive skill

Children who have many experiences of physical activity at early ages, they tend to obtain high concentration skill, high status of academic learning and high level of social skill. So, physical activity enriches the ability both of body and mental.

2. Gu-Pa-Jump

① Parent open legs to right and left, children stand between legs.
② Parent holds children’s hands.
③ Parent continues to open and close legs alternately with saying “Gu” (close) and “Pa” (open).
When parent open legs, child stand with closing legs.
When parent close legs, child stand with opening legs.

Key point:
Gu-Pa-Jump foster rhythm and jump ability, and to require the skinship between parent and child.

3. Tunnel Jump

① Parent fall prone to the floor and child stands beside the parent.
② Parent makes a tunnel with raising their back like push-up posture. (1)
③ Child goes through the parent. (2)
④ Parent fall prone to the floor. (3)
⑤ Child jump over the parent. (4)
⑥ Repeat(1)→(2)→(3)→(4).

Key point:
This exercise is effective for a parent to lose fat around the waist. Let’s compete with the child which stop movements early due to fatigue. Children can be strengthened the trunk muscle and jumping ability.

4. Continuous Jump

① Prepare rope (towel can be alternative)
② Bind the rope to the door handle or anyplace and parents hold the opposite site of rope.
③ Swing the rope to right and lest rhythmically and child jump over the rope continually.

Key point:
This exercise foster rhythm, jumping and predict ability of children. And continuous jumping is effective to lose fats.

Thank you for reading.

