
Day 229 : Cooking know-how, suitable for digital republishing

Somehow, I got this book filled with the cooking know-how tips.

For instance, the surface of meat should be cooked with high heat, the fatty fish fillet is suitable for teriyaki, daikon should be boiled with the rice washed water, and so on....

There are 700 of these tips in this book with some comments. So very useful!

But, the problem of this book is that it's very irksome to find each tips. There's just listed topics in numerical order, not alphabetical...
If this book could be published for digital version, then each topic could be easily searched.

I hope someday it should be digitally published, but the book is already out of print....

And I believe, there should be some kind of business opportunities for some types of old books which are appropriate for the digital republishing.

Word of the day
irksome 厄介な、イライラするような、退屈な、気骨が折れる
Quote of the day
“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude.”
― Julia Child
