
Day 1,672: conjugal, crucible, catapult, a diet of

Their long conjugal association is a model for many younger married couples.

As well as being fun, social media are the crucible of online debate and a catapult for political campaigns.

Inspired by TikTok, apps like Facebook increasingly serve a diet of clips selected by artificial intelligence according to a user’s viewing behaviour, not their social connections.

Artwork of the day 
Married Life
Roger de La Fresnaye
Date: 1913; France
Style: Cubism
Genre: genre painting
Media: oil, canvas

Word of the day 
conjugal: pertaining to marriage relationships; connubial 
crucible: a container in which metals or other substances can be heated to very high temperatures
catapult: a device that can throw objects at a high speed:
a diet of: a particular type of thing that you experience or do regularly, or a limited range of activities:

Quote of the day
“I still love him so much I'll hide any amount of conjugated estrogen in his food. So much I'll do anything to destroy him.”

Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
