
Day 160 : School Library

So I remembered that when I was a grad school student, I used to go to the library to copy those articles of HBR, FA, and the others.
Back in mid 90's...!
So, there was no smart phones, we just started to use internet, so no articles on internet...
Thus, the library was our lifeline...

Anyway, so almost everyday, I used to go there.
There were many libraries. Main library, computer science library, med school library....
I was in the grad school of public and international relations, and there was that library, of course.

What I found interesting was that, at the back corner of that library room, there was a small space for Muslims to pray.
Yes, our grad school had a lot of international students from all over the world, including some Muslim students.

But I believe, that is some kind of compassion we need to have more in common to accept more people including tourists from Islamic countries.

Word of the day:
compassion : 共感、思いやり、慈悲心
Quote of the day:
“The very existence of libraries affords the best evidence that we may yet have hope for the future of man”
― T.S. Eliot
