





もうすでに日本に帰国して8ヶ月が経ちました。 2021年はとてもたくさんの人と出会って、本当に最高の1年になりました。 カルガリーからキャンモアに移動して働き始めた Rocky mountain bagel Co. みんな最高の人たちだったし、ここでの半年は自分の英語力を爆発的に上げてくれたと思う。 キャンモアで一緒に暮らした Christina 最高にお茶目な女性で 僕らの拙い英語もしっかりと聞いて理解しようとしてくれて MaxやManu、Bleezyと過ごした時間も

    • カルガリー生活4ヶ月目の振り返り

      仕事職場はテイクアウトのみの営業で何とか仕事をもらえてる状態でした。 かおりさんが失業保険をもらって生活するとのことで1月の後半からは働く時間も増えてきました。 2月8日にレストランの規制が緩和されその1週間はとても忙しくすぎていきました 職探しもう一つ仕事をゲットしたいと思い、思い当たるカフェにレジュメを持って行ったりネットから連絡先を調べて応募したりしていました。そんな中、美容室とカフェが併設されている場所のインタビューを受けて無事に採用されました。、、、がしかし、

      • 2020年

        こんばんは! 2020年がもうすぐ終わりそうなので、 今年のことを忘れないように 自分のために書きたいと思います。 1月にコロナウイルスが全世界に広まり出して、 すぐに終わるだろうと思っていたら 1年間ずっとコロナに悩まされる1年でしたね。 3月には職場を退職して4月からフィリピン留学、 6月からカナダにワーキングホリデービザで 渡航する予定だったのが、 コロナの影響でフィリピンにも行けなくなったため、 退職日に急遽延長して雇ってもらうことが決まり、 以前の職場には本当に

        • カナダワーホリ1ヶ月の振り返り

          カナダワーホリに来て1ヶ月が経とうとしています。 やっと仕事も始まり、生活の基盤ができてきてるかなーっていう状況です。 そんなカナダ生活ですが、自分の備忘録のためにも記録に残します! カナダ到着 2020.10.13 福岡空港→成田空港→バンクーバー国際空港→カルガリー国際空港の経路でカナダ入りしました! コロナの影響もあり成田空港での出国手続きにはさまざまな書類の有無を聞かれました。 私たち夫婦が一番ビビっていたカナダの入国審査はあっけなく終わり、イミグレーションでもす


          Thoughts on my wife

          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary written by Shota Tabifufu. Today I will write about my feelings for my wife. My wife usually doesn't say anything about her. So I don't really know what I'm thinking about, but the smil

          Thoughts on my wife

          2020.04.26 Recent things

          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary written by Shota Tabifufu. Actually, I was going to study abroad in Cebu from April, and then I plan to go to Canada with a working holiday visa from June, but I couldn't because of the cor

          2020.04.26 Recent things


          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary written by Shota Tabifufu. I tried to write about the thoughts of the Great East Japan Earthquake, but I'm going to write it down a little more. I was supposed to quit my job today, but


          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary written by Shota Tabifufu. I recently skipped writing a diary. I will write again! Today I was only working in the morning. I took a break from the afternoon and went to Tenjin. As I q


          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary written by Shota Tabifufu. A daily English diary that tends to skip. I'll write it properly. Recently, I am into reading books. Now I'm reading a book called "Magic of Notes". The boo


          Hi guys. Well, it stated today. An English diary written by Shota Tabifufu. I was tired because I was working all day today. I ate ice after eating dinner, so I will refrain from eating tomorrow. I'm already sleeping because my legs are


          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary written by Shota Tabifufu. Today was a leap year every four years. My wife was off from the afternoon today, so I went to a cafe near my house. After that, I picked up what I had to do in


          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary written by Shota Tabifufu. I have a cold recently. So I sleep early today. I would like to spend my time studying English and writing blogs as soon as possible. good night. See you tomo


          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary written by Shota Tabifufu. dangerous! I was always skipping! Today I was only working in the morning. I was planning to go out in the afternoon, but I was resting at home because I was


          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary was written by Shota Tabifufu. I went on a date with my wife because it was a holiday today. After going to a library in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, I ate a hamburger, went shopping and


          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary written by shots Tabifufu. I was working one day today. By the way, I'm going to sleep right now. I'm a little tired. Since this weekend has no plans for a long time, I'm going to spend


          Hi guys. Well, it started today. An English diary written by Shota Tabifufu. This afternoon I took a break from work and went to vaccination before traveling around the world. In consultation with a doctor, he was given a vaccine against