#4 形式主語を用いたIt is ~ to doとIt is ~ that …は書き換え可能か?

難易/安全・危険/快・不快 を表す形容詞 →It is ~ to doのみ使用可能
・The problem is easy to solve.「問題を解決するのは簡単だ」
= It is easy to solve the problem.
* It is easy that you solve the problem.

It is important to learn English.「英語を学ぶことは重要だ」
* English is important to learn.

It is possible to use the machine.「その機械の使用は可能だ」
* The machine is possible to use.

It is impossible to use the machine.「その機械の使用は不可能だ」
=The machine is impossible to use. ※impossibleは書き換え可能
