#8 金額・距離・重量などの単複の扱い

Five kilometers is a long way if people have to walk.
Five kilometersという1つのまとまりとして考えるので、単数扱い

Ten dollars is not nearly enough.「10ドルではとても足りない」
One hundred dollars is just chicken feed.「100ドルなんてはした金さ」
Ten dollars don't go a long way these days.
1,000 dollars were withdrawn from your account.

・Last year, about 1,300 kilograms of cherries were stolen during the two-week harvest period.
・In 2004, nearly 200,000 tons of soymilk were produced.
About 2,500 tons of snow were used for this sculpture alone.

10 years has passed since the accident happened.
Ten years have gone by.「10年が過ぎた」
