
不思議の国のアリス|翻訳04(第2章 涙の池②)



Chapter II
the pool of tears(涙の池②)

“I’m sure those are not the right words,” said poor Alice, and her eyes filled with tears again as she went on, “I must be Mabel after all, and I shall have to go and live in that poky little house, and have next to no toys to play with, and oh, ever so many lessons to learn!


• poky(狭苦しい、ひどく遅い、みすぼらしい。名詞で刑務所、監獄)
• next to(~の隣に、~の次に、~は別にして、【否定を表す前で】ほとんど~)
• ever so(veryの強調。超~、めちゃくちゃ、めっちゃ、非常に、大変、実に)

No, I’ve made up my mind about it: if I’m Mabel, I’ll stay down here! It’ll be no use their putting their heads down and saying ‘Come up again, dear!’ I shall only look up and say ‘Who am I then? Tell me that first, and then, if I like being that person, I’ll come up: if not, I’ll stay down here till I’m somebody else’—but, oh dear!”


• I've made up my mind(私は決心した)
• put one's head down(頭をうなだれる)
◆ their putting their heads down(彼らは彼らの頭をうなだれる)
「theirはアリスの家族か知り合い達(dearといっているので)彼らがウサギの穴から頭を下げて(heads down)覗き込んでいる」
theirが誰のことを言っているのか分からなかったし、heads downしている状況も想像できなくて最初意味不明だった。

◆ if I like being that person

cried Alice, with a sudden burst of tears, “I do wish they would put their heads down! I am so very tired of being all alone here!”


• suddenサドゥン(突然、いきなりの、唐突な、急な)
• burst into tears(涙があふれだす、ワッと泣き出す、堰を切ったように泣きだす)
•tired of(うんざり、こりごり)
◆ I do wish→doはwishの強調。

As she said this she looked down at her hands, and was surprised to see that she had put on one of the Rabbit's little white kid-gloves while she was talking. “How can I have done that?” she thought.


“I must be growing small again.” She got up and went to the table to measure herself by it, and found that, as nearly as she could guess, she was now about two feet high, and was going on shrinking rapidly: she soon found out that the cause of this was the fan she was holding, and she dropped it hastily, just in time to save herself from shrinking away altogether.


• measureメジャー(寸法、大きさ、量、評価、方策、手段、措置)
• nearlyニアリィ(もう少しで、ほとんど、ほぼ、大体)
• rapidlyラッピドゥリィ(急速に、迅速に、どんどん)

“That was a narrow escape!” said Alice, a good deal frightened at the sudden change, but very glad to find herself still in existence. “And now for the garden!” And she ran with all speed back to the little door; but, alas! the little door was shut again, and the little golden key was lying on the glass table as before, “and things are worse than ever,” thought the poor child, “for I never was so small as this before, never! And I declare it’s too bad, that it is!”


• narrowナロー(狭い、ぎりぎり、すれすれ)
• frightened(おびえた、怖がって、驚いた)
• existenceイグジステンス(存在、生存、生活、実存)
• declareデクレア(宣言する、断言する、布告する)

As she said these words her foot slipped, and in another moment, splash! she was up to her chin in salt-water. Her first idea was that she had somehow fallen into the sea, “and in that case I can go back by railway,” she said to herself.


• chinチン(顎、下あご、懸垂、おしゃべり)
• somehowサムハウ(どうにかして、何とかして、どういうわけか、どうしたものか)
• railway(鉄道)

(Alice had been to the seaside once in her life, and had come to the general conclusion that, wherever you go to on the English coast, you find a number of bathing-machines in the sea, some children digging in the sand with wooden spades, then a row of lodging-houses, and behind them a railway station.)


• conclusion(結果、結論、終末、最後)
• whereverウェアエバー(どこへ~しても、どこで~であろうとも、一体どこに、どこへ)
• coast(海岸、沿岸、丘、惰性で進む、楽に進む)
• English coast(イギリスの海岸)
• a number of(たくさんの、いくらかの)
• bathing(水浴び、海水浴、水泳)
• bathing-machines(移動式更衣室。車輪付きで移動可能な、海水浴のための更衣室。昔はこれで着替えをしていたらしい。)
• spadeスペード(農具の鋤(すき)、四角いシャベル、トランプのスペード)
• lodgingラッジング、ロッジング(宿泊場所、滞在場所、宿屋)

However, she soon made out that she was in the pool of tears which she had wept when she was nine feet high.


• wept(weepの過去形・過去分詞。泣く、涙を流す)

“I wish I hadn’t cried so much!” said Alice, as she swam about, trying to find her way out. “I shall be punished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears! That will be a queer thing, to be sure! However, everything is queer to-day.”


• swam(swimの過去形。泳いだ。)
• punished(punishの過去形。罰する、処罰する、懲らしめる。)

◆ I wish I hadn't+過去分詞(I wish+過去完了の否定)
◆ I wish I had+過去分詞

Just then she heard something splashing about in the pool a little way off, and she swam nearer to make out what it was: at first she thought it must be a walrus or hippopotamus, but then she remembered how small she was now, and she soon made out that it was only a mouse, that had slipped in like herself.


• way off(way=距離。遠く離れて、ずっと遠くに、大きく外れて、全く間違って)
• walrusウォールラス(セイウチ)
• hippopotamusヒポポタマス(カバ)

a little→少しだけある
a few→少しだけある

“Would it be of any use, now,” thought Alice, “to speak to this mouse? Everything is so out-of-the-way down here, that I should think very likely it can talk: at any rate, there’s no harm in trying.”


• harm(危害を加える、害がある。名詞で痛手、損傷、危害、損害。)
• there's no harm in trying(やってみて損はない)

So she began: “O Mouse, do you know the way out of this pool? I am very tired of swimming about here, O Mouse!” (Alice thought this must be the right way of speaking to a mouse: she had never done such a thing before, but she remembered having seen, in her brother’s Latin Grammar, “A mouse—of a mouse—to a mouse—a mouse—O mouse!”


◆ mouse連呼について
O mouseの「O」は「oh」と同じような感じで、呼びかける時に使う。


The Mouse looked at her rather inquisitively, and seemed to her to wink with one of its little eyes, but it said nothing.
“Perhaps it doesn’t understand English,” thought Alice.


• inquisitivelyインクズテヴィ(物珍し気に、興味ありげに)

“I daresay it’s a French mouse, come over with William the Conqueror.” (For, with all her knowledge of history, Alice had no very clear notion how long ago anything had happened.)


• daresayダーセイ(多分、あえて言う)
• Conquerorコンクァー(征服、覇者、勝利者)
• notionノーション(イメージ、概念、観念、意見、印象)

◆ William the Conqueror(ウィリアム征服王)

So she began again: “Où est ma chatte?”, which was the first sentence in her French lesson-book.


◆ Où est ma chatte?(フランス語で「私の猫はどこですか?」)
日本人の感覚で言うと「This is a pen.」と話しかけたような感じ。笑う所。

The Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water, and seemed to quiver all over with fright. “Oh, I beg your pardon!” cried Alice hastily, afraid that she had hurt the poor animal’s feelings. “I quite forgot you didn't like cats.”


• leapリープ(跳ぶ、はねる、跳躍する)
• quiverクイヴァー(震え、ぶるぶる震える、けいれんする)
• frightフライト(強い恐怖、ギョっとする)
• beg(懇願、物乞い、せがむ)
• pardon(許し、寛容、赦免)

“Not like cats!” cried the Mouse in a shrill, passionate voice. “Would you like cats, if you were me?”


• shrillシュリル(耳をつんざくような、声・音などが甲高い、けたたましい)
• passionnateパッショネイト(情熱的な、熱のこもった、短気な、怒りっぽい)

“Well, perhaps not,” said Alice in a soothing tone: “don’t be angry about it. And yet I wish I could show you our cat Dinah. I think you’d take a fancy to cats, if you could only see her. She is such a dear quiet thing,”


• soothingスージング(落ち着かせる、なだめる)
• fancyファンシー(想像する、好む)
• quiet thing(おとなしい、静かなこと)

Alice went on, half to herself, as she swam lazily about in the pool, “and she sits purring so nicely by the fire, licking her paws and washing her face—and she is such a nice soft thing to nurse—and she’s such a capital one for catching mice——oh, I beg your pardon!” cried Alice again, for this time the Mouse was bristling all over, and she felt certain it must be really offended. “We wo’n’t talk about her any more if you’d rather not.”


• lazily(怠けて、だらだら、ぶらぶら)
• purring(purrの進行形。ゴロゴロ喉を鳴らす、低い音をたてる。)
• lick(舌で舐める)
• paw(動物の手足、動物が足で何度もたたく、引っかく)
• nurse(看病、抱く、授乳、養育、かばう)
• capital(首都とかの意味の他に、「素晴らしい、見事な、素敵な」)
• offendオフェンド(怒らせる、感情をそこなう、傷つける)
• if you'd rather not(~しないほうがいいなら)

“We indeed!” cried the Mouse, who was trembling down to the end of his tail. “As if I would talk on such a subject! Our family always hated cats: nasty, low, vulgar things! Don’t let me hear the name again!”


• tremblingトランブリング(震え、身震い、ぶるぶる、びくびく)
• nasty(いやな、不快な、汚らわしい、意地が悪い、卑劣な)
• vulgarヴァルガー(下品な、品のない、育ちが悪い、卑猥な)
• as if(まるで~のように)

“I wo’n’t indeed!” said Alice, in a great hurry to change the subject of conversation. “Are you—are you fond—of—of dogs?” The Mouse did not answer, so Alice went on eagerly: “There is such a nice little dog, near our house, I should like to show you!


• eagerlyイーガリー(熱心に、しきりに、はやる思いで)

A little bright-eyed terrier, you know, with oh, such long curly brown hair! And it’ll fetch things when you throw them, and it’ll sit up and beg for its dinner, and all sorts of things—I ca’n’t remember half of them—and it belongs to a farmer, you know, and he says it's so useful, it’s worth a hundred pounds! He says it kills all the rats and—oh dear!”


• terrier(犬のテリア)
• curlyカーリー(巻き毛、渦巻き状の、ねじれた)
• fetchフェッチ(取ってくる、呼んでくる)

cried Alice in a sorrowful tone. “I’m afraid I’ve offended it again!” For the Mouse was swimming away from her as hard as it could go, and making quite a commotion in the pool as it went.


• sorrowfulソロフル(悲しむ)
• commotionコモーション(動揺、興奮、騒動、動乱、乱動、騒ぎ)

So she called softly after it, “Mouse dear! Do come back again, and we wo’n’t talk about cats, or dogs either, if you don’t like them!” When the Mouse heard this, it turned round and swam slowly back to her: its face was quite pale (with passion, Alice thought), and it said, in a low trembling voice, “Let us get to the shore, and then I’ll tell you my history, and you’ll understand why it is I hate cats and dogs.”


• pale(青ざめた、青白い)
◆ Do come back again
→doはcome backを強調している。

It was high time to go, for the pool was getting quite crowded with the birds and animals that had fallen into it: there were a Duck and a Dodo, a Lory and an Eaglet, and several other curious creatures. Alice led the way, and the whole party swam to the shore.


• It is high time ~(もういい加減~すべきだ)
• Lory(ロリー、ヒインコ)
• Eaglet(ワシの子供)

