
【使用時の注意は各自調べてください】Work Withdrawal Measure


  1. Messing with equipment so that you cannot get work done.

  2. Letting others do your work for you.

  3. Taking frequent or long coffee or lunch breaks.

  4. Making excuses to go somewhere to get out of work.

  5. Being late for work.

  6. Doing poor work.

  7. Using equipment (such as the phone) for personal use without permission.

  8. Looking at your watch or clock a lot.

  9. Ignoring those tasks that will not help your performance review or pay raise.

  10. Thinking about quitting your job because of work-related issues.

  11. Looked for a different job.

  12. Asked people you know about jobs in other places or looked at job advertisements.


1=never‚ 2=once a year‚ 3=2 or 3 times per year‚ 3=every other month‚ 4=about once year per‚ 5=more than once per month‚ 6= once per week‚ 7=more than once per week


Hanisch, K. A. & Hulin, C. L. (1991). General attitudes and organizational withdrawal: an evaluation of a causal model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 39, 110-128.
