
Tomorrow is GTEC®!

Hello,Kyoudai Fan here!

Today it was very cold here🥶!I wore two shirts and one pants under my winter uniform,but it still cold.Maybe I should choose something more warm next time....

Tomorrow I'll have GTEC®.We'll do the level Basic(I did it last year),but I don't remember clearly,so I'm not sure if I can take good points this times,but I want to take more than 900 points.



Have a nice day for YOU!!!😊

最後まで読んでくれてありがとうございます! もしよければ、ぜひサポートをよろしくお願いいたします。 ほかの学生と同じような大学生活を送るためには、多大な学費が必要ですので、とても助かります! どうか、よろしくお願いします!(o*。_。)oペコッ