
Ten days for the next exam!

Guten Abend, ich bin ein Fan der Universität Kyoto!(Good evening from Deutsch).

Oh gosh,I have just 10 days to the next exam!

Today I started my homework for History.It is few pages,so I'll finish it until tomorrow.

Yesterday I did 英検レベル診断(公式).There is the result:

スクリーンショット 2021-11-14 110835

As you can see,my vocabulary is in the top level,but my grammar are in the 英検2級 level.So I may have study more grammar next time.

And today,I was curious about my studying time,because in these days,I'm not sleeping too well.So I did a test named 朝夜型診断.There are the site and the result(confiable)

スクリーンショット 2021-11-15 211922

Thanks to the result,I will be able to manager more efficiently the time I wake up,sleep and start to study.





Thank U for reading my diary to the end!

Bye bye!

最後まで読んでくれてありがとうございます! もしよければ、ぜひサポートをよろしくお願いいたします。 ほかの学生と同じような大学生活を送るためには、多大な学費が必要ですので、とても助かります! どうか、よろしくお願いします!(o*。_。)oペコッ