"Living with Music vol.10"〜Mak Wai Hoo (Malaysia) JP・EN
Mak Wai Hoo / マック・ウェイ・フー(マレーシア)
Soundscape Records, City ROARS Festival, Live Fact 創設者
Mak Wai Hooが営むライブハウス”Live Fact”は、クアラルンプールの中心部から車で20分ほどの比較的閑静なエリアにあった。2018年9月に訪ねた時は、市街地からこの場所に引っ越してきたばかりで、まだ作りかけの印象があった。
この時は、Makの同僚のShane Tanに会いにいって、Makとは挨拶を交わす程度だった。そして誘われるままに、2晩続けてライブに足を運んだ。
初日は地元のポストロックバンド2組のスプリットアルバムのレコ発。翌日は、"And So I Watch You From Afar"というアイルランドのポストロックバンドのライブだった。
Q: 現在の周囲の状況を教えてください。
Q: 音楽業界はどこの国でも大打撃を受けています。現在のお仕事について教えてください。
「他のみんなと同じように、僕もロックダウン前に予定していたショーを延期したり、キャンセルしたりしてきました。これには、私のレーベルであるSoundscape Recordsや、数人の友人と共同経営しているLive Factでのライヴも含みます。
"Live Fact"、クアラルンプール、2018年9月
Q: 現状、音楽や文化に対しての行政からの支援はありますか? また、それに満足していますか?
Q: ミュージシャンや音楽関係者が、今、社会に対してどのようなアプローチをすることがベストなのでしょうか?
"Live Fact"近くの食堂。クアラルンプール、2018年9月
Q: 今の状況で、音楽やエンターテインメントの役割とは何だと思いますか?
Q: 現状、先を見通すことは難しいですが、コロナウイルス後のために、今考えていることはありますか?
Q: 海外に住んでいる友人と音楽を通じて共有できるアイデアは何かありますか?
Q: 今、お気に入りの曲を教えてください。
Mak Wai Hoo(マレーシア)
Soundscape Records, City ROARS Festival, Live Fact 創設者
Makは2001年にスタートしたマレーシアのインディーレーベル、Soundscape Recordsの創設者であり、プロモーターでもある。彼は音楽シーンのベテランで、1990年代後半の中国語フリンジ・シーンの構築に貢献してきた。
当初はマレーシアで急成長中の中国のインディー・シーンを中心に活動していたが、より大きな都市部へと活動の幅を広げ、ポスト・ロック・バンドのMogwai、Mono、GY!BE、explosion in the Sky、Kula Shaker、Russian Cirlces、toe、Tortoise、Warpaintなど、多くのアーティストをマレーシアに招聘してきた。
またMakは自身のレーベルと共に、ローカルシーンの育成にも重要な役割を果たしており、Liyaza Fizi、NAO、Citizens of Ice Cream、Dirgahayuなど、最もエキサイティングでジャンルを定義するようなアルバムをリリースしています。
2019年、MakはCity ROARS! Festivalをスタートした。これは、自身のレーベルSound scape Recordsと台湾のEmerge Musicとの国際的なコラボレーションで、第1回目のフェスティバルではアジア各国のアクトをフィーチャーしました。
Makはまた、クアラルンプールに新しく設立されたライブハウスの一つであるLive Factの後ろ盾にもなっている。
Mak Wai Hoo(Malaysia)EN
Founder of Soundscape Records, City ROARS Festival, Live Fact
Mak Wai Hoo's “Live Fact” is located in a relatively quiet area just a 20-minute drive from Kuala Lumpur's city centre, and when I visited in September 2018, it had just moved here from the city and was still in the process of being built.
At that time, I went to see Shane Tan, Mak's colleague, and only exchanged a few words with Mak. Then I went to the show two nights in a row, as invited.
The first day was the live release of a split album by two local post-rock bands. The next day was a live performance by an Irish post-rock band called "And So I Watch You From Afar".
Many post-rock bands from Japan, including MONO and toe, have visited here on tour. It must be very gratifying for the touring band to have a place like this in every corner of Asia. It's probably the same for local music fans.
Even though it was only two nights, coming here, drinking local beer and sharing time with the local audience reminded me that this is an invaluable place for local music fans.
I got to see Mak at several festivals and conference ,then invited him to TAMM(Trans Asia Music Meeting) this year, but due to the COVID-19, he couldn't attend. If the situation changes, I would like invite him to Okinawa again.
People need to go out, either to watch live performances or just hang out with friends, it's an experience that cannot be replaced by virtual space like the internet.
Kuala Lumpur april,2020
Q: Please tell us about your current surroundings situation.
“I'm staying in the sub-urb, a satellite city called Petaling Jaya, about 30 mins drive from KL city-centre. It's an residential area, very liveable and convenient. But now it has the most COVID-19 cases, since the lockdown it has become a very quiet area, not much activities, people are afraid of going out. I couldn't go to my work place because the access is blocked by the police, I can only stay home and be with my family, life has taken a drastic change compare to the past but I'm slowly adapting to the so-called "new norm".
Q: The music industry is taking a big hit in every country. Please tell us about your current work.
“Like everyone else, I've either postponed or cancelled shows that I've scheduled before the lockdown, this including shows under my label - Soundscape Records and Live Fact, a venue that I co-owned with a few friends. With that, we have switched to SOCMed to maintain our presence, we have done a charity online show, using ZOOM as a platform, the first streaming show that we did was quite successful, we managed to attract about 100 people and we donated the ticket collection to the front liners and those who in need for food and shelter. We have also released an album through streaming platforms, just to keep things going.”
"Live Fact" Kuala Lumpur, September,2018.
Q: In the current situation, what kind of support does the government give to people involved in music and culture in your country? Also, are you happy with it?
“There's no specific plan from the government to help the music and arts sector, right now we are pretty much on our own. But there are other NGOs and cultural development agency that came up with recovery funds for art practitioners to apply. We can also apply for interest free loan offered by banks, to overcome the cash flow problem as well as paying staff wages. I think the above mentioned are still insufficient, government needs to look into the problem seriously and come out with effective plans to assist the arts and music sector.”
Q: What is the best approach that musicians and music professionals can take to your society right now?
“I think the short term approach is to survive the outbreak and lockdown, how to make ends meet. On a broader scale, this could be the best opportunity for musicians and artists to bring hope and light to the society, not only through their works but also through the way they survive this epidemic.”
A local restaurant near "Live Fact". September, 2019.
Q: What do you think is the role of music and entertainment in the current situation?
“Music and entertainment are very important element of our life. It boosts our energy and desire to do everything that we need to do. It inspires us in many ways, to restore ourselves and live life with more energy and enthusiasm. But in difficult times like this, music and entertainment are seen as luxuries, which people will make do without, in order to survive the pandemic.”
Q: It's difficult to look ahead, but is there anything that you're thinking about now for the post corona virus?
“Despite of all the uncertainties, I still believe live events are an essential part of our life, people need to go out, either to watch live performances or just hang out with friends, it's an experience that cannot be replaced by virtual space like the internet. We must remain optimistic and hopeful and prepare ourselves, once the curve is flatten, we will bounce back.”
Street live in Bukit Bintang, central Kuala Lumpur, September 2018.
Q: Do you have any ideas that you can share with your friends who lives in overseas through music?
“Right now, I just hope that all my friends will stay safe and healthy, although there are obstacles ahead, if we can be strong and resilient, we will overcome this.”
Q: Please tell your favorite music right now.
“When I'm depressed or down, I will listen to this song and tell myself, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel.”
Mak Wai Hoo (Malaysia)
Founder of Soundscape Records, City ROARS Festival, Live Fact
Mak is the founder of Soundscape Records,; an established Malaysian indie label and promoter started in 2001. He is a seasoned veteran in the music scene and has been instrumental in building the Chinese language fringe scene in the late 1990’s.
While initially more centered on Malaysia’s burgeoning Chinese indie scene, Mak has expanded his reach to the bigger urban market, bringing the likes of post - rockers Mogwai ,Mono, GY!BE, explosion in the Sky, Kula Shaker, Russian Cirlces, toe, Tortoise, Warpaint and many more to Malaysia.
Along with his label, Mak has also played a pivotal role in nurturening the local scene, releasing some of the most exciting and genre-defining albums by Liyaza Fizi, NAO, Citizens of Ice Cream, Dirgahayu, among many others.
In 2019, Mak started the brand new City ROARS! Festival, an international collaboration between his label Sound scape Records and Taiwan’s Emerge Music, the inaugural festival featured act s from various Asian countries.
Mak is also backbone behind Live Fact, one of the newly established live houses in Kuala Lumpur.