



また、University of WashingtonのENGL 131 (English Writing)の授業で3.9を取ることが出来ました。





・Counterargument (反論)も含めてもいい(Aはいいと思うけど、Bはこの側面で優れているなど)

Thesis Statement: エッセイ全体の主張もしくは議論をまとめた文章のことであり、Introductionの最後に書く。主張は具体的に!1行にまとめる必要はない。長ければ、分割した方がいい。

Topic Sentence: 各Body Paragraphのキーアイデアをまとめた文章のことであり、その段落の最初に書く。Topic sentencesは関連しないといけない(そうでないと論理構成がイマイチ)。

Body Paragraphs (議論)各段落、同じような長さ

・Topic Sentence(イントロの深堀。なぜ自分はこう思うかを示す)


・分析(その例題の重要性、Topic Sentenceとの関係性を明確にする)。分析は1つの文にまとめようとしない方がいいです。2つ以上の文にすると綺麗・分かりやすい

・結論 (イントロで主張した内容・段落ごとのTopic Sentenceの文章をサポートし繋げる)

・First, Second, Third~ などいう必要がない。In addition, Similarly, furthermore(transition wordsを覚えるといいかも)


・主張のまとめ(body paragraphのtopic sentencesをまとめる)





高校1年生の時に書いたエッセイ(research paper)を分析します。タイトルを訳すと、「明治時代に置ける女性の権利と教育の変化」について書きました。そのほかにも中3の時に日本の核家族化と少子高齢化の原因、高2にアメリカ史の授業でアメリカの過去の政治運動や政権を元にどのようにして同一賃金を実現させるか、について書きました。


背景情報: 明治維新の定義。 日本が諸外国に追いつくために様々な改革があり、それによって近代化した。

和訳:「明治維新とは、1868年(明治元年)の日本で、欧米の侵略と商業的搾取によって始まった政治革命である。 アメリカは、これらの条約を提案した欧米列強に有利な不平等条約を日本に強制的に締結させ、貿易港の開港を強要し、外国人に治外法権を与えました。この条約は、武士と大名との間に権力の分断を生み出し、徳川幕府として知られる日本の軍事政権の崩壊につながった。その結果、中央集権的な行政システムが日本政府によって確立され、日本は新しいビジネス中心の経済と西洋の影響を受け入れることによって急速に近代化されました。」

明治維新の定義:The Meiji Restoration was a political revolution that began in Japan during 1868 due to the invasion and commercial exploitation of Europe and the United States. The United States forced Japan to sign unequal treaties that were in favor of the western powers who proposed these treaties and forced the opening of trading ports to and granted extraterritoriality to foreigners. 
それによっての変化:The treaties resulted in open trade that created the division of power between the samurai and the feudal lords or the (daimyo), thus leading to the downfall of Japan’s military government known as the Tokugawa Shogunate. As a result, a centralized administrative system was established by the Japanese government and Japan rapidly modernized due to the new business-focused economy and the acceptance of western influence-- something that Japan had resisted for centuries. 


和訳:「明治維新は、日本経済の近代化と急速な工業化、政治体制の変化の時代として捉えられていますが、日本が新たに西洋と接触したことによる社会改革、すなわち女性の権利と教育改革も評価されなければなりません。 」






理由2:  この新しい教育制度は、教育を受けた人口を増やし、西洋の教育制度を取り入れた初の公立小学校や高等教育機関を設立することで、日本の工業化を可能にしました。  」

Although the Meiji Restoration is primarily viewed as an era of modernization and rapid industrialization of Japan’s economy and changes in the political system, one must also credit the era with social reforms that owe to Japan’s newfound Western contact: women’s rights and educational reform. 
理由1:The introduction of powerful, western nations that extended education to both genders caused the change of Japan’s traditional emphasis on education based on the belief of Confucianism that valued men’s education over that of women. 
理由2:The Meiji Restoration also bore witness to the development of a new education system and laws known as the Gakusei.  The new educational system allowed the industrialization of Japan by increasing the educated population and establishment of the first public elementary schools and higher education institutions that incorporated western educational systems.  

これで、イントロは終わりです。Body Paragraphsは長いので、重要な部分を簡潔にまとめますね


Since ancient times, Japan has placed an emphasis on education. 


It was commonly viewed as a method to develop moral character and more effectively fulfill the samurai’s function in society through obtaining knowledge from books about principles of government for the necessity of proper performance of the samurai’s duties. Likewise, shogunates shoguns saw commoner education, such as reading and writing, as an important asset for increasing the prosperity and strength of Japan and were encouraged throughout Japan. Despite the emphasis of education, before the Meiji Restoration education for commoners were was only available at education institutions known as Terakoya or temple schools. Temple schools were run by lower-ranking samurai to generate extra income and also by priests, Confucian scholars, and literate commoners. At the Terakoya, students, whom were mainly men, were able to receive rudimentary reading, writing, and mathematics during the beginning of 17th century. It was the place where commoners were able to receive education, however, they were unable to receive higher education and only the sons of samurais, who were military retainers of the feudal lord, were able to. For example, at private institutions called shijuku, the sons of the wealthy were taught etiquette as well as table manners and the proper procedure to perform a suicidal ritual known as harakiri in addition to advanced mathematics and additional literature or reading classes.


(第1段落の繋ぎ)   In both the terakoya and shijuku, Confucian values and thoughts were taught and many obeyed these values, thus daily life during the Edo period and in previous eras was strongly influenced by Confucianism.



第3段落の主張:Due to Confucian values and the ie system, the majority of women were illiterate because their main role was to devote themselves to domestic work and raising children, and were thus unable to acquire rudimentary writing and reading skills.









By the late Meiji era, Japan had a centralized educational system with predominantly public schools at all levels from elementary to university. Though the morals of Confucian teachings is was firmly set in place, the curriculum is was currently based based off of Western teachings that revolutionized school curriculum and values as well as traditional views of genders roles. Opportunities for females drastically increased and women are now able to receive education commensurate with that of men and pursue their own dreams by attending higher educational institutions such as high school and universities-- such of which were unavailable to women. This all started off as Japan’s effort to industrialize and incorporation of western ideas that led to gender equality and shapes current day Japan.
