
[FORTNITE]WCプレイ考察,感想! DUO 1位ペア(aqua,Nyhrox選手)  WC play consideration, impression! DUO 1st pair


こんにちばんは!はじめまして Star_hoshiです。



ハッピー・ハムレット左のボール &




ハッピー・ハムレット西側のボール置き場 &






ボールと歩行 だった為かお互いがカバーしきれる位置にはおらず。
且つ aquaは落下はしないが敵と密接にある位置で壊されてしまった。


ハッピー・ハムレット西側のボール置き場 &




Nyhroxは あえなくやられてしまった。


ハッピー・ハムレット西側のボール置き場 & 










ハッピー・ハムレット西側のボール置き場 &

→スコアサ 且つ ボールで逃げれる状態だったから攻撃したように見える

















 →そこから、もう一回リロード後攻撃 撃つ前に既に2段階段を上げて

東側が微妙に安置内だったのでそこから登られるのは嫌だ というのが分かっている。




Nyhrox→aqua→Nyhrox と交互で安置を取る動きをしたかったように見えるが、お互い着いたタイミングで相手からの攻撃を受けて








Good evening! Nice to meet you, Star_hoshi.
Watch the replay video you played at the competition
Are you conscious of these places?
Maybe I could do this?
I want to write and share things like that!
I would like to make better things with you, thank you!

Since it is the viewpoint from the state that I saw from the end, as "one opinion"
I hope you can see it.
Also, I would like to hear from you that it will be better if you can see other possibilities from there.

[1st game]

Where you got off:
Happy Hamlet left ball &
An unnamed house on it

(Around 24:34)
Both have lost the ball due to a storm surge.
→ Theory that was tense in the first game
→ I got into a storm surge
From there, the enemy was also targeted and the impatience was further accelerated. . .

No matter how great the player is, the "first game" is tense.
→ Corrections from there are important

[2nd game]

Where you got off:
Happy Hamlet west ball storage &
Happy Hamlet North

(Around 10:00)
aqua attacked the board
→ Impression of storm surge
→ Elimination of anxiety factors that occurred in the first game
Then look down from the largest mountain next to the tower and damage the enemy
I give even a little.

(Around 19:00)
Positioning is quick after erection is decided.
→ You can hold the ball by securing your position first.
→ but made a mistake and skipped the ball.
→ Making a situation with two people by joining with allies without impatience.

(Around 21:30)
Positioning around the lower stage (in the MAP, around the middle of the mountain) set by the opponent.
→ They are moving to reduce hate from the opponent.

(Around 23:00)
Only break the ball after moving to a position where it settles down.
→ The theory that can be seen in the situation calmly at this stage.

(Around 23:50)
aqua → Nythox → aqua was repeatedly moved to a refuge.
→ Easily cover each other and make sure the path to enshrinement.
→ Even if the person who is ahead is killed, the latter is not.
Also, the other person who comes behind can be seen by the later person and is proceeding with certainty.

(Around 24:40)
Because they were walking with the ball, they were not in a position where they could cover each other.
And aqua did not fall, but was destroyed at a position close to the enemy.
→ It turns out that being alone in the middle is quite dangerous.

[3rd game]

Where you got off:
Happy Hamlet west ball storage &
Happy Hamlet North

(Around 2:50)
I don't forget to secure the ball, but I'm going to collect llamas.
→ It is delicious to get 350 materials, auxiliary items and recovery items in an instant.
→ Since they are on the ball, the material is halved after joining.
→ I was able to endure even if a battle occurred.

(Around 14:40)
If they were both free, they were going to get a high position.
→ The ball is wrecked on the way.
→ The ally has taken the specified position, but another PT is set up with the ally.
→ After that, the attacking PT tries to join his friend on the calm machine.
[Attacked from the PT that was attacking, and attacked from the PT that was set up earlier]
It is set up and aqua is done
→ I wanted to go to the top to ensure safety (?)
It may have been forcibly taken over in an unobtainable situation.

However, Nyhrox made early the PT that had been standing attacked
Detected and avoided pursuit even if the hills could not be taken.
→ Life consciousness, behavior as a result of thinking how to act if the other party.
In the tournament, it was the first time to become a solo act in the middle of the tournament.
→ Did you try to break only the ball?
Open, but open an area where there are no enemies and get attacked.
→ After that, although the enemy attacked alternately and moved somehow
Nyhrox has been defeated.

[4th game]

Where you got off:
Happy Hamlet West Ball Place &
Llama that had fallen nearby
→ Nyhrox joins aqua as soon as he thinks he can't get the ball on the north side of Happy Hamlet.

(Around 10:40)
The ball receives DMG, but he is fully recovered by natural bonfire.

(Around 20:14)
Edit where the enemy was on the same stage
→ Cooperation ability to apply a shotgun at the same time
→ Here's the theory that two engines started (being able to assume)

(Around 20:21)
When aqua is trying to open the spot where the second person is muddy
Nyhrox was moving to build architecture.
→ This is also about collaboration and taking action what the other party wants to do.

(Around 23:00)
aqua kept moving at the ball and constantly looking at the upper steps.
→ I just confirmed that I was down and immediately got it
The top is taken.
→ They are trying to escape between architecture without boosting wastefully.
→ I don't care about some health DMG.

(Around 23:50)
We are attacking from the top in the middle of Nyhrox, aqua.
→ A standing position that will surely leave one person even if the root is crushed.
→ It is in a state where it can be reinforced.

(Around 25:59)
Trying to reinstate with shadow after attacking with Flint Knock
→ Although it is a result theory, there was a chags splash, so it may have been good to approach it while using it.
→ It seems to be used just to worry about falling drops in the MAP position.

(Around 26:06)
Nyhrox was noticed when standing up a wall with no material.
→ The impression that the place that was impatient came out, and the attention from the place without the wall might have been turned.
→ The theory that the two have survived and have become one-chan.

(Around 26:00)
aqua lost the above architecture with Shockwave Grenade.
→ No need to be aware of the above.
→ So, I was able to concentrate AIM only on the front enemy.

[5th ​​game]

Where you got off:
Happy Hamlet west ball storage &
Happy Hamlet North

[1 Enshrinement]
(Around 3:42)
After Nyhrox secured the north ball storage area,
From there, attack the unnamed place on the north side.
→ Scores and seemed to attack because he was in a state where he could escape with the ball
→ It will be even better if you can beat it here.

(Around 5:02)
aqua finds llamas and secures materials
→ delicious

[2 Enshrinement]
(Around 11:51) It was late to enter 2 enshrinement, but we confirmed that the next enshrine is further to the east, securing the middle

[3 Enshrinement]
(Around 15:06) has secured the middle of the middle
→ It is in a position where the lane from the west does not pass

[5 Enshrinement]
(Around 20:45)
Enemies come in when you get off the ball.
→ has calmed down to calmly hit the trap and combat.
# What you can see from the other side
I was impatient that the opponent had also entered, but I was 153 sharpening with a combat.
→ It seems that the amount of DMG is just because we did everything we could calmly.

(Around 21:25)
Nyhrox was away, but joined even using moving items.
→ Talking about the importance of being in two people.

[6 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:13)
Positioning to a high place where there was originally architecture after jumper movement.
→ Because it was a situation where it was not visible whether there was a high place
I was pointing to the pin.
→ This can be taken as an action because you were headed, “Where you should go to a place where you can easily get a high place,” no matter which one flies first.

[7 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:25)
After landing, using iron and brick, they are stacked vertically by two people.
→ Another enemy has come down on the way, but fight to win and win.
→ Secured the top here.

(Around 23:06)
After lowering the step, it becomes the upper contact.
→ aqua is looking from the standing side, and Nyhrox is looking from the standing side.
→ After that, the top is perfect.

(Around 23:25)
I used the jumper that was at the top but used by another PT.
→ The theory that I wanted to keep the materials down.
→ It is obvious that the bottom is in contact with each other.
A theory that was judged to be insufficient.
→ A one-way attack from above has been made.

[9 Enshrinement]
(Around 25:05)
Nyhrox descends and attacks the lower enemy.
aqua was acting on the assumption that an enemy would come on the stage that they originally made.
→ It seems that aqua was on the top because there was a little material.
→ After that, the battle ends with overwhelming attack power from above until Vicloi.

[6th game]

Where you got off:
Happy Hamlet west ball storage
→ There was another PT on the north side
→ In addition, since there was no ball, aqua is already moving to explore nearby houses.

[1 Enshrinement]
(Around 7:00)
Attacked by a high enemy in the west. (HP44 useless)
→ The enemy attacked, but there was calm action.
→ Actions taking into account recovery prioritization and refuge movement without balls.

[2 Enshrinement]
(Around 11:01)
From an enemy in the mountain south of Neo Tilted when Nyhrox is picking up materials
Hebsna is hit.
→ I was hit because I couldn't see the bullet that the bullets passed.
→ Since you are at rest, are there any enemies that can be seen from here, or is there a possibility of being shot?
→ Nyhrox in the front should have taken the materials while confirming.

→ After that, 2 chag splashes and 2 minipos are used to avoid pursuit.
→ It is safer to enclose in a box when considering pursuit.
However, I am calm and waiting for the opponent to come.
→ As a result, the theory that it was good to recover completely with a bonfire
→ In consideration of the fact that the enshrinement is far away and you cannot take the middle right away
You should leave as many recovery items as possible before moving.

[3 Enshrinement]
(Around 14:23)
An enemy came in the bonfire part in the north of Neo Tilted, but the armor was cut by assault.
→ Nyhrox was attacked by another while aqua attacked the enemy
ガ ー ド Guard against the wall.
→ More walls to go to defeat the enemy who was attacking first
It is used to avoid pursuit.

(Around 16:09)
It was located in the middle of the mountain (south side) on the west side of Route Lake, but can be engaged from the top.
→ The first surprise attacked a location that had been eaten many times with gas but did not show to the other party.
→ From there, attack after reloading again. Raise the stage two steps before shooting.
Ready to go attack.
→ → Completely flowed to control the top.

[4 Enshrinement]
(Around 18:00)
I know that I don't want to climb from the east side because it was slightly in the enshrinement.
→ Always conscious of that, looking at the north side.

(Around 21:25)
Immediately before the enchancement shrinks, he goes to the highest place in the anteroom using his own mobile items.
→ The intention to attack the enemies entering the arsenal with as little risk as possible can be drawn.

[6 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:00)
The top is taken by the opponent who moves in refuge.
→ Because each other was aiming at the opponent who came in the custody, using jumpers
“I didn't notice the enemy that came down.
→ Rather than staying in a very high position
It seems that KILL points are good for defeating enemies outside of the enshrinement.

(Around 23:12)
Take the middle of the stationary movement side with one shockwave grenade.
→ Do you think you are not attacked from the highest place?
→ If you attack the enemies that move in place without any interaction there,
It was judged?
→ On the other hand, if heavier
Actually, it has moved to connect the top after that.

[7 Enshrinement]
(Around 24:10)
Move using aqua (shock wave grenade) and Nyhrox (shadow).
Nyhrox → aqua → Nyhrox seems to want to move in place, but when they arrived, they were attacked by the opponent
The state that can't be left standing continues
→ Nyhrox is done.

[8 Enshrinement]
(Around 25:20)
After aqua became alone, while taking some indwelling damage
I am conscious of taking the ranking points.
→ Judged that the enemy is crowded in the middle, and made a steady turn around the edge.
→ As a result, the remaining 8 people are up.
→ But did you judge that you can see the enemy right before you die?
It can be done with a little attack.
→ This is an additional ranking point by shooting down only the location
It may have been obtained.


* Even if you are a WC contestant, the first game will be the tension, atmosphere and movement of enemy players.
I felt that it was exhausted both mentally and physically when it was performed in an unknown state.
→ As a result, I felt that there was no sharp movement in the first two games, but in the second half
The breath of the two has also come together.

* When I was able to respond, I felt that I was able to convince myself that I took first place in the WC for timing, looking around, and timing.
→ It seems that the ranking has improved because of thinking about how to correct even if there is a mistake in the first half.

I'm not used to writing articles yet, but I think there are some messy parts, but I'd like to improve them little by little, so please look forward to the next article.
